All The Bits And Pieces

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Adira halted and froze on her spot as she heard that same voice she grew used to hearing everyday. Turning her body around slowly, she regarded the man.

The same emptiness was still there but she was looking right at him. However, it was all she did—just staring at him as if he was some stranger that happened to know her name.

"My wife, you're fine. That's good. I'm here, so you can stop this now."

Casimir tried to reassure his beloved and get her to calm down enough for her to stop whatever was happening.

But, Adira did not move nor speak. She didn't do anything.

"Heise... Where is Heise?"

Finally noticing the child that should've been stuck beside her, almost like an adorable accessory plastered to her with the most durable glue, was missing.

Is that the reason she's lost control?

As if finally hearing and registering what Casimir was saying, tears streamed down Adira's eyes and in the most heartbreaking and soft voice answered him,

"I... I couldn't... protect my child... He was... He was shot down... Please help my child... Protect hi—No... The only way to ensure my family's safety.. is by erasing everything in here.. Everyone shall pay for hurting my family again."

And with that, Adira once again turned outside before kneeling down in front of Apophis as an act of prayer and plea.

"I beg you, God Apophis, bu—"

Before Adira could complete her words, Casimir reached out his hand to cover his wife's mouth and stop her. If what he thinks is right, the God's actions were borne from Adira's wishes. So if he can stop her from uttering a prayer, maybe the God won't also move.

But Casimir was too preoccupied with watching the God's movements that it slipped his mind that his wife wasn't a weak, docile and fragile creature that will silently take whatever was thrown at her. Especially something that annoyed her.

Thrusting our her hand, Adira grabbed for Casimir's neck in a claw-like grip, digging her nails into his flesh, to get the man to release her. However, the man was also proving to be as stubborn as he refused to let her go.

"A... Adira... It's me... It's Casey. Do you... Do you not recognize... me?"

As soon as Casimir managed to squeeze those words out, the strength in Adira's grip started to lessen and her hold loosened a bit. Noticing how he was slowly starting to reach her, he pushed further and called out to her.

"My wife... it'll be alright... it's fine now... trust me... I promised I won't allow anyone to harm you or Heise and that promise stands true!"

Adira's muscles stiffened, when memories of when she discoursed her past life to her husband resurfaced in her mind, and tears threatened to flow down once more. Casimir knew he had finally reached her.. a little more push should do it.

"My wife... won't you trust me with your life?"

Adira craned her head when she felt Casimir's hold on her loosening and saw his gentle and warm smile—bringing back memories of when she said the exact same words to him when she decided to save him from the assassination that took his life the past cycle.

" What took you so long?"

Focus and a recognizing glint finally returned to Adira's beautiful ashen grey eyes before she wrapped her arms around Casimir's neck and she bawled like a little child as she clung to him for dear life.

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