Just You and Me

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Alexander paired up with Adira while William and Casimir picked two knights with the leanest build among them all to hide under a cloak before spreading out.

But of course, before they did, Casimir made sure he gave Alex a piece of his mind as he whispered softly,

"I'm entrusting Adira's safety to you. Protect my wife, Alex. Make sure they make it back to the palace safe and unhurt."

And he passed by the red-headed knight to join his supposed to be partner. Although he hated to part with Adira, he also knew that those bastards would know that and hence, they will locate her much easier.

"Of course, your highness. Even at the cost of my life, I will never allow anything to hurt the princess." Alex whispered his reply, unheard by the first prince, as he watched the person he would do anything to protect with wistful eyes.

"Son, go high and demolish anything that poses danger to your mother and your sibling. However, do not be too complacent and take care."

Casimir instructed Heise secretly and watched his child with pride when the little demon nodded his head in agreement and with determination in his sapphire eyes. It seems that whenever it came to protecting Adira will they finally see eye to eye.

"I'm very proud of you, my little boy." He added and left a kiss on Heise's head before also walking close to Adira, who was observing them with warm happiness, and left her a kiss as well. It will just be for a while. They will meet again soon.

"See you at the palace, Husband. You must make sure you return to us." Adira bid him farewell before walking away with Alexander and Heise.


They all scattered in different routes and those that were meant to ambush them were momentarily disoriented, confused to who among those hidden under the cloak was their target, and they also started to disperse.

It was precisely what Casimir wanted. Divide and Conquer.

While Casimir and his knights were preoccupied with all the skirmish right in front of them, Triton, who was watching from a high vantage point, saw Adira's figure making her way back to the palace with the red-headed knight and the large, black as ebony, dragon that soared high to the skies from the trees where their group momentarily sought refuge.

"It's about time I rectified some things." He mused. "Just a little bit more, my love, and I will have you back. It will be like how things were. Just you and me." He whispered lovingly. One-sidedly feeling excited about this reunion.

The first part of his plan had already been fulfilled— to successfully separate Casimir and Adira. With Casimir temporarily out of the picture, a lowly knight, such as the Marquess Vuori's heir, was no match for him.

"Well, shall we go and meet up with my wife?"

He turned on his heel to make way and meet Adira halfway and set things right. While the woman, who was on the streets, fought her way back to the palace while also trying to protect the unborn child that was in her womb.

She couldn't go all out and her opponents, who wore the Dalriada's crest, were also clearly going easy on her, as if afraid to hurt even a single strand on her hair.

Heise was up on the skies and would occasionally swoop down to either roast or flatten anyone that dared to block his mother's path when he was suddenly shot down from the sky after going around once.

"Heise!!" Adira's scream alerted Alexander and he was momentarily distracted with worry for the young child when what he saw his mistress run towards to wasn't the little prince but a huge big-ass black dragon falling from the skies.

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