Princess of the Alynthi Kingdom

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"That is all, Roman."

Casimir finished his instructions on time before a servant of the palace knocked on his door and informed him that the king was requiring his presence.

He was especially cold and stiff today that the servants wished the Lady Adira could have accompanied him today.

He donned on his princely garb and followed the servant to the throne hall with Roman behind him as well.

While he was walking towards the room, he happened to pass by a servant that carried teas and snacks. He paused on his steps and took some.

"Who made these?"

"Oh! Umm... It's... Th-The head chef, yo-your highness." The servant answered nervously. It was the first time she has spoken with the crown prince of the empire, which would naturally explain her stuttering.

"Oh? Will you please tell your head chef I love her and thank you?" Was all the prince said and walked away, leaving three confused heads before the other two followed after him.

Did the prince just cheat with the Lady Adira?! Did he just?! Good heavens! Is this the end of the world?

Roman was sweating so much but Casimir was smiling. The sweetness of the snack was still lingering on his tongue and he was already raring to go do work.

Who wouldn't? If the wife cheers you on, wouldn't it be a lot easier to take on the world?


"La-Lady S-Sylveriiiis!" The panicking servant burst through the kitchen doors and immediately dove onto the Lady's arms.

Adira had purposely travelled far just to make Casimir and his guests some snacks and also because the king summoned her. Something about making Casimir more accepting and pleasing.

She patted the poor servant girl's back before asking her,

"What happened?"

"The... The prince is cheating on you!!!" She suddenly burst in tears that floored Adira and the dough in her hands immediately turned to ashes.

"Wh-What? Can you please.. explain that properly?"

"He asked me to tell our head chef that he loves her and thank you." The girl continued to sob.

Adira raised a brow at this and asked her to recount all that happened from the top. She held her head in exasperation before smiling with a sigh and patted the servant girl comfortingly on her head.

"He isn't cheating on me. He most probably saw through our lie. It's okay. Let's just do a good job today, okay?"


"Greetings, your majesty, Prince Casimir is here." The servant, who fetched Casimir, announced and stepped aside to allow this aloof and cold prince passage.

After his shocking flirting a while earlier, the chills lessened a lot and he was actually a bit better to receive guests now.

Casimir walked in, bowed from his hips in respect and acknowledged the envoy from the Alynthi kingdom, who bears on their shoulders the snowflake crest of their kingdom.

"Greetings, Father and Princess of the Alynthi Kingdom."

"Come, Casimir. This is Princess Thea Rosalva of the Alynthi Kingdom. Princess, this is my son, Casimir, the current next in line."

The girl, who wore a blue sophisticated A-line skirt and beige upper blouse, turned to face Casimir. Her hair was pulled up into a side ponytail as her big and elegant brown curls rested on her shoulders. She also had a small tilted turquoise hat decorated with large feathers sitting on her head that completed her look.

She Becomes A Passive Villainess-NOT!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن