In His Every Move

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"He devotes everything to me as honestly and as simply as he could. He never does anything that I wouldn't like.

I can also rest assured he wouldn't be swayed by other women even when they're practically offering themselves to him. I also know that in every second, minute, hour-in his every move-he always thinks what would be good for me and our family.

I only wanted to be loved-even if not as much as Casey's doing right now."

I only wanted you to turn, even just once, and see your reflection in my eyes that couldn't see anyone but you.

"But... If I can love you like that, would you consider me then?"

Triton spoke after remaining silent as he listened to Adira's words, laying out her heart in the open. He can love her as much as-even more than-Casimir. He only needed a chance to prove that to her.

He looked straight into her astounded pretty ash-like eyes and tried to make her see his heart-the heart that wanted no one but her.

Adira was about to answer him when the dark night gradually brightened and drew her attention as the moon slowly took a peek behind the shadow casted over it-giving it a bloody red hue.

"Oh, I was wondering why it was so dark out. Turns out, it was a lunar eclipse, huh?"

That's strange. I'm feeling heathier and lighter now than an hour ago.

She thought and examined the growing strength sluggishly building up within her as she clenched her fists repeatedly. Her vigor was returning though she didn't know why she felt weak in the first place.

"Adira... I love you, you know? Ever since we were children. Ever since I saw you back when I went to your castle to propose an engagement, you have never left my mind."

Adira couldn't react on time as Triton caught her in a tight embrace and kept her there. His minty perfume pervading her senses and his warm arms akin to the warmth of the sunrise as it hits your face-a very comforting warmth.

"I'm sorry, Triton...." Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

What is this noise? So loud. Annoying. Stop that. Whoever's making this noise. Stop it.

Wait. What was I going to say again? Ah yes, Triton.

"Triton, my love, when are you telling Mother and Father about our wedding tomorrow?"

Adira spoke that shocked Triton so much that he unconsciously pulled back from her, which made the latter pull an upset face and misunderstood his actions.

"Are you not telling them?"

"No... No, wait... What's this? What's going on?"

"What's wrong, darling?"

Adira asked worriedly and reached out her soft and beautiful hands to caress his face gently. She was awfully sweet and enchanting.

"Are you sick, my love? Are you hurting anywhere? Shall we go back inside now? The night is cold so we shouldn't stay outside for long."

Triton couldn't believe what he was hearing. Adira's lovely and gentle voice as she fusses over him was making him go insane. It was making him think if he was dreaming right now.

"Am I... Am I inside a dream right now?"

Adira blinked her eyes in confusion before she giggled oh so beautifully and wonderfully and smiled at the man with love-filled eyes.

"Oh dear, my love you're not dreaming. I really am marrying you tomorrow. Aww~ my sweet and cute husband. Come here, you sweet thing."

She said and opened up her arms to receive him. He hesitated no more and took the willing lady, who finally reciprocated his long unrequited love, into his arms. Oh how much had he dreamed of this moment?

"Do you want me to be the one who tells Father and Mother? I can tell them in your behalf."

She offered in a sweet lovely voice he never once heard her use around him. She was always this serious, aloof and strict Lady of the Sylveris household.

But the woman inside his arms right now, was the lovely little wife persona of the cold Lady.

"No. I will tell them. What kind of a man am I if I made you tell them, right? I'll be your husband tomorrow, so shouldn't I at least perform that part? Please don't take that away from me."

Adira gave him a very sweet and happy smile before pecking him softly on his cheeks,

"Whatever you say, my dear."

She blushed after kissing him and accidentally overheated that burned Triton as he flinched and abruptly pulled away.


"Oh! I'm sorry! I told you I haven't been able to control it that well lately! I'm so sorry, darling." She apologized repeatedly and rubbed him all over his arms as she cutely blew on them-trying to lessen the pain.

And Triton paused. She never once told him about her magic or her attribute or anything at all. So who was she talking about?

Is it... Casimir? Am I his replacement right now?

He thought and tried to piece out the puzzle in his head before shaking his head and ignored that glaring fact.

The most important right now was it was him who Adira loves. It was him in her eyes. He was the man who was hearing her sweet little voice and feeling the warmth of her embrace and the one relishing her addicting kisses.

Nothing else matters.

"It's okay. You can burn me as much as you want. I only need you and everything will definitely be fine."

"What's wrong with you, Triton? You're awfully emotional tonight." Adira commented while comfortingly rubbing the man's back till she could feel him relax a bit.

"I'm just happy. Super happy. I'm finally marrying you tomorrow, who wouldn't be happy?"

The woman felt a strange tug in her heart and figured that she must've been touched with the man's words and smiled happily. She was so lucky to be loved this much by the man she loved.

"That boy was right. I really am darn lucky to be the one chosen amidst the horde of girls gunning for you."

Triton tensed up as soon as she heard her say that. Because he didn't know which boy told her such a thing.

It couldn't have been said after Casimir proposed marriage between their family. So it could only have been when they were children.

"Who told you that, my love?"

"Hmm.. now that you ask, I actually can't remember him anymore."


"Doesn't matter. You don't have to remember. What's important is that we're finally gonna be married tomorrow."

Before Adira could even answer him, a bitter wintry cold voice resounded against the bright midnight as his figure stepped out from the shadows-looking like his past demon lord self.

"Who's marrying who?"

Okaaay~ this isn't exactly the time to be sharing the good news to everyone but might as well, right? This chapter's pretty heavy, soooo..

Well, I gained a lot of followers and I am thankful for that! So yaaaay! Clap your hands~~ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Next is, we finally reached 242K readers and 14K votes! Banzaaaiii! So I am very happy! The ranks will be next so let's do our best and reach it!

Thank you guys for all the love and support! Banzaaaaiii 🎉🎉🎉

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