My Only Truth

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Casimir went around and mirrored Adira's movements. Completely forgetting some things like—his wounds perhaps, or that there was still that guy hiding behind enemy lines or that there was an odd one mixed in them, who could only gape in wonder and envy at the woman who danced around the battlefield like she practically lived there her whole life.

"Where.. did she learn how to.. move like that?" She whispered before gripping the hilt of her sword tightly and dashed forward.

Taking advantage of the confusion and thrusting out her sword towards Adira's way, she pushed with all her strength.

The latter, who sensed a malevolent intent directed at her, dodged and threw back an attack when she saw who it was that made her grit her teeth in annoyance.

"What the hell?! Are you blind?!"

"Oh. Forgive me, Adira. I thought you were an enemy." She replied sarcastically.

"Try that again and I'll pierce through your eye socket, you bitch."

Adira's blood was practically boiling while she stood at the middle of the battlefield and here was Iris trying to pick a nerve.

I mean, it wasn't Adira's fault she had to forgo her elegance and effort at trying to be polite and hide her irritation—for she was, after all, still a respectable noble lady—and practically swore at her. How very unbecoming of her for a woman of her status.

... But it was very refreshing.

I swear to God, I will really call you collateral damage if you don't stop.

She vowed inside her head before pivoting on her heel and resumed her killing spree.

The other decided to leave her be for a while and work her way to Casimir's heart for the second time—after successfully erasing traces of her from his memory.

If you're wondering why she can still make her way closer to the man despite him finally reuniting with his woman,

She, unfortunately, did not witness how Casimir almost devoured Adira's lips and kept her caged in his arms—keeping her incredibly close he wished they would eventually fuse so they never get separated again.

"Your highness! Please withdraw for now! You're hurt!" She worriedly called out to him when she saw the dark red blotches on his uniform and yet he still moved vigorously such as that.

However, the man could hear nothing. He was so absorbed with his battle that there was nothing entering in his field of focus but enemies and that beautiful goddess bathed with blood.

"It's... the Maiden of Light!" Casimir heard one of the enemy soldiers exclaim and thought that they must've somehow figured out Adira's nature.

That he automatically moved his hands and slit the man's throat—personally sending the man to the afterlife as soon as he heard his words.

Anyone that knew what Adira was needs to die. Of course, except for the two and a half men who already knew it beforehand.

Casimir spun around to check if anyone else heard what the soldier said when a disgustingly light pink-haired woman finally entered his vision field and he saw the worry in her small and delicate face.

Could they be...

"It really is the Maiden of Light!" Another soldier exclaimed and took a step back as he cowered in fear while staring at Iris.

Oh. So it was this woman that they spoke of. That's good.

"Yes. Now that you see that the Maiden of Light is on our side, do you think I'll allow you to live?"

You all saw how Adira slapped me. Twice! So all of you must die.

And Iris, who listened to Casimir's words, felt her heart give an extra loud thump and her cheeks flushed like ripened tomatoes.

It was the first time she felt as such—the first time she felt her heart leap in joy, the first she felt butterflies soar in her stomach and the first that she felt such charring heat spread throughout her body.

Casimir brought up his sword and let his aura take the form of a blue dragon snaking around him—very much like how Adira was with her fire and wing-like aura.

And suddenly, a black mist surrounded him too, acting like a barrier, and he didn't fret nor even bat an eye. He knew whose work it was, and he could only smile proudly for his son willingly covering his back.

My, so you finally acknowledge me, huh?

"Don't get cocky. I still don't like you."

The dragon, who returned to his child form after exhausting himself, chatted while he watched the smug smirk spreading across his father's beaten—yet still handsome—face.

If his mother would not cry should anything happen to him, he would not cover for him or anything at all!


"But I love you, little Heise." Casimir chuckled as he watched the child cringe uncontrollably and looked as if all he wanted was to vomit while repeatedly chanting "ew" softly.

Casimir then promptly went back to slicing heads off and returned to his errand for his wife. He still needed to clean up.

Although he was bearing the pain, he was still very much lively and raring to go that the enemy soldiers regretted why they did not kill him when they had the chance.

Adira's appearance wasn't within their expectations. They didn't know that a noble lady such as her—a Duke's spoiled daughter, no less—would jump right off the battlefield and swing a sword around!

Women were meant for tea parties! So her presence here was an aberrant!

They most especially didn't expect him to be revived the moment she arrived! How much control does this woman have on him anyway?!

But Casimir had a miscalculation.

By hiding his presence within Heise's darkness, through coating himself with his dark aura as well, the hooded enemy was able to get close to Casimir undetected and plunged a sword from the back and out his torso.

Casimir coughed out blood and finally felt the heavy backlash of all his wounds and profuse bleeding when his movements finally stopped and his adrenaline rush died down.

The pains were hitting him all at once!

"You're getting way too ahead of yourself, aren't you Prince Casimir? Do you honestly believe what Lady Sylveris said about not marrying Lord Dalriada?

She could be baiting you for all you know. She could be lying to get you to move. She could be tied already to someone else."

He tried to mess him up a second time. But such tricks don't work too well after having seen and experienced it once—especially not when he felt Adira kiss him back as passionately as he did.

"Guhhh... Her words are.. my only truth. Whatever she says, I will believe. So if she tells me to jump then I will jump. If she tells me to die, then I'll kill myself. If she tells me that she didn't marry Dalriada, then she didn't marry him."

Casimir's platinum orbs glistened with a dangerous light. He was still spry despite the numerous wounds he suffered that the hooded man could only choose his last resort—kill Casimir!

He pulled a hidden dagger out from his back and brought it down to stab the man to death when he was stopped by Iris' blade.

"Let Casey go!" She cried.

This was a little late since I was soooo exhausted with all the exams I had to take today. So if I get the chance tomorrow, maybe I'll edit this a little bit. I just didn't want to miss a day where I can't give you my lovely babies an update 😘

Praise me~~ Banzaaaaiii~~ 🎉🎉🎉
I hope you all enjoy it!

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