Don't Let Her Go

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Anastasius watched the uncanny seriousness gleaming wonderfully on his son's eyes and that was when he was sure, not even heaven and earth can ever separate him from Adira.

He could only sigh in defeat and shrugged his shoulders. No matter what was said to this new Casimir in front of him, nothing can ever change his mind about the lady he chose.

"Do you know what your fiancee answered me when I asked what she could give in exchange for you rejecting Latifolia's power? Don't get me wrong for asking this. I was just genuinely curious.

She said that she doesn't have anything. She even said that she will eventually cause destruction upon this kingdom. Do you think I would allow her to be wed to you and pave the way for her to sit as the Queen after knowing that?"

Anastasius said and he could feel the air getting chillier—that was enough to know Casimir was very upset. He didn't need to look at him like that—a frosty rage cracking and nipping even him, the king.

So before Casimir could even utter or do anything else, he added,

"But, I was wrong. I could see heartbreaking sorrow in her beautiful eyes as she reluctantly told me that she was gonna give you up to the Latifolia lady. And that's when I was sure, she definitely was the perfect Queen.

To surrender what your heart wanted the most for the sake of the greater good is something that no power can ever defeat. Don't let her go, my son."

Anastasius said and patted Casimir's shoulders to calm him down. It was bad enough that he misunderstood him and misinterpreted his words—perhaps Adira too.

It wasn't that he didn't like Adira—nor felt she was lacking in anything or that Iris Latifolia was better anywhere.

Heck! He wouldn't have forced that stingy idiotic bakaoya to tie his beloved daughter with his son if he was just gonna toss her aside just like that—he really only wanted to know if his son's overwhelming love was returned.

And it seems it really was.

Casimir calmed down as the bitter frost on his platinum eyes subsided and he smiled slightly.

He was genuinely happy to hear how sad Adira felt thinking about giving him up to that Latifolia woman—not that he would even give her the leeway to do that.

He would tie her to him even more tighter. He'll claim her future and spend it with her and their son and many more children to come.

"Of course, I won't. In fact, I'm marrying her tomorrow."

Anastasius wasn't even surprised by now. Even though his son just raised a flag as calmly as that, he was too used to him doing such schemes that he doesn't really care what he does anymore.

As long as the other party has agreed, then why not right?

Casimir always was one who liked to jump the gun and he was used to it by now.

"As long as the bride knows."

"Yes, Father. I properly asked her yesterday. Well then, if there's nothing else, please excuse me."

Casimir promptly removed himself from his father's presence to return to his own family—to his wife and son's side.

And Anastasius just wistfully watched that broad back finally supporting not only their empire from such a young age, it made him terribly guilty, but also his very own family.

Caelia, our little crystal's shining brightly for someone else now. He's really grown up.


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