Aren't We?

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In his deep sleep, a product of all the days he was not able to sleep properly, Casimir relived the days he spent peaceful and happy days with Adira.

Their usual outings—which ends up with the woman bashfully claiming that they were out on a date—the late night tutorial sessions, those random moments when she drags him out of his office under the pretense that she was craving for something, but in truth, she just didn't want to see him cooped up in his dull and lifeless office.

It was those simple moments he was most thankful of. To the point that it didn't fail to scare him that maybe he was taking things for granted.

However, it was also in those dreams that he relived the pain of having to painfully let her go and watch her leave him as his fragile and gelid heart broke into a million shards.

He relived that nightmare everytime he closes his eyes. It was because of that very reason that falling asleep scared him so much.

"Adira... Adira... Don't go."

He whispered in a soft and tragic whisper as he called for the woman's name over and over again, begging her not to leave him.

And the woman, who stayed by his side, promptly took his icy hands into her small and warm ones, bringing them up to her cheeks, as she answered his call.

"I'm here, Casey."


On the fourth day since he'd been asleep, Casimir slowly peeled his eyes open to the golden morning light that streamed in from his window.

He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but he was definitely feeling as fresh as new. Although there were some sluggishness in his extremities, but he was, otherwise, fine.

He tried to block the bright light with his arm when he couldn't do so as he felt something heavy on top of it.

Curious, he turned his head. It took him a good few seconds to register the woman's serene and beautiful sleeping visage in his mind, who was using his arm as a pillow with hers draped across his chest.

Maybe it was because he was too used to seeing her face in his dreams, that he gingerly reached out his other hand to caress her face. It felt too real.

Getting annoyed with him touching and pinching her cheeks, the woman stirred awake and those lovely ash-like eyes gazed up to him and smiled sweetly.

Ah, here comes the nightmare again.

"Good morning... husband." Her melodious and endearing soft voice called him with a peculiar name before she pulled herself up and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

It's real.

"I thought... I thought you would not address me as such till we are wed?"

He asked, wearing a confused expression on his face, and arched a brow.

But instead of answering his question immediately, she took his left hand that was caressing her face earlier before she kissed the makeshift ring—almost coming undone—and stared back into his platinum orbs with a smile and said,

"Aren't we?"

He just woke up so he wasn't really understanding any of Adira's vague answers before his eyes drifted to the ring Adira just kissed.

It was worn out now, given that it was only made from flowers and stems—kind of like a miniature flower wreathe—and the idea finally settled in his mind that caused him to spring up from his bed and held his hand against a brighter light.

"Are we...? Am I...? Ummm..."

"Yes, Casey. We're married. You're my husband and I am not down for a divorce."

"Wait... Wait a goddamn minute... We're married? I married you? When?"

The man asked incredulously.

I mean, how could an event as wonderful and miraculous as him finally marrying her and tying her to him happen without him knowing?

He didn't get to prepare anything! He didn't prepare a ring for her! A priest to bind their souls for eternity! Or an exquisite and grand ceremony that the woman deserves!

This was too sudden!

"What's this? Did you perhaps not want to marry me?"

The woman asked calmly—not! She was heating up! A little more and she'll set the bed on fire!

"I want to! I most definitely want to!" Casimir hurriedly replied to calm the woman down, to which he fortunately successfully did, and he suddenly paused.

He was having a bit of trouble wrapping his mind around this fact that he was married to Adira—that he was finally married to the woman he loved the most.

I'm.. her husband. I'm her husband.

Unconsciously, as he repeated that chant in his heart like a silent prayer, tears soundlessly spilled from his eyes and crawled down his perfect and handsome face.

"Ca-Casey?! Why are you crying?!" The woman panicked. Maybe she went too far with her almost setting the room on fire and it scared him.

Wait. Scared him? Anyway,

"Dearest, are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere? Should I call the doctors or the healers? Wait for me, okay? I'll be quick."

The fretting woman wasn't able to even move a single inch when she was suddenly pulled into his arms and he felt him tremble badly.

"I'm your husband... I'm your husband!" The man suddenly laughed joyfully and almost crushed the woman in his tight embrace as he pulled her back into the bed.

And he continued to laugh merrily while he happily exclaimed,

"I'm your husband!"

He only stopped exclaiming when he held the woman's face gently and kissed her full on her cherry red lips, tasting her thoroughly before he felt a light tap on his back.

He pulled back and watched his woman blush furiously under him before she tried hiding behind her hands and pointed at something beside them.

No. Erase that. Someone.

There, sitting with a very agrieved frown on his cute and round just-woken-up face, Heise was crossing his short arms across his chest and puffed out his cheeks indignantly.

"Mommy is mine!" He proudly claimed.

"Of course, my son. She's your mother. No one can ever take that away from you." Casimir agreed and watched the child's face visibly relax as he heard those words before a smirk spread across the man's face and turned back to his red as a ruby wife.

He dipped his head and kissed her yearningly and for a few seconds before turning to Heise with a bright smile,

"But she's my wife."

Lyfaaaaa!! Your plan of greeting the Great Demon Lord with a good morning kiss backfireeeeed! I think I just flipped his switch!!!

Hiii~ free dog food everyone~ come get your share and relish this long overdue dog food you single dogs~~

Hoho~ weeeell~ I'll be waiting for your comments then~ Banzaaaiii~~ 🎉🎉🎉

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