An Awkward Gaping Duck

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A series of knocks—not too loud yet not too soft either—filled a certain silver and crimson dyed room.

The sun had risen up for a while now, yet no one had seen this lady come out of her room yet after being knocked on her door for an hour now.

Finally, worried about what happened to her and partly running out of patience, Lyfa pushed the doors open while gently announcing her presence, "I'm coming in, My Lady."

She first pulled the drawn curtains open to allow the light to seep in and illuminate the dull room before walking closer to the bed and, slightly pulling to canopy to wake her little lady, she let out a horrifying shrill scream.


7am at the Fief's plaza square.

A hooded figure dressed in plain clothes, wandered around the shops as they browsed through different goods.

Checking out the sweets corner of one of the shops, she drooled at the sights of them whilst not knowing how she threw the whole Castle of Sylveris in complete chaos that made them mobilize their personal knight order.

She continued to stroll out on the streets with one major problem.

I didn't bring any money with me!

"Ugh. How idiotic of me." Adira grumbled to herself while hearing her stomach start to growl in hunger. She flushed red when the man, who owned the bakery she happened to pass by, turned to her upon hearing her stomach's angry growl.

"Little lady, have you not eaten yet?" He asked as kindly as he could, so he doesn't scare the little girl. He was, after all, as humonguous as a bear and all children were afraid of him the moment they lay their little eyes at him. It eventually became his weakness.

Adira, still feeling shy at her blunder, shook her head softly. Like a cute little animal shying away from a human.

The baker smiled at her cuteness, clutching his chest as if he were healed with this unparalled cuteness, before thinking about her answer, "That's weird. This fief barely has any beggars on the streets and though dressed plainly, you don't look like one."

"Barely has beggars? Why is that Mister?" Adira looked up to him with cute upturned puppy eyes that struck another arrow into the poor baker's heart.

He smiled at her and crouched low to gently pat her little hooded head, as he could no longer stop himself, before answering her, "Are you not from around here? It's impossible to not know how the Duke Sylveris takes care of us diligently.

He set up orphanages for homeless children and gave jobs for those able bodied former beggars desperate to change their fates.

Of course there are scuffles here and there and scums who refuse to follow him but everything's manageable. We are very much thankful for the Duke."

"Wow. How nice of the Duke!" Her little eyes sparkled in adulation for the silly father that cried buckets of tears plus snots after seeing Adira faint from her high fever again. Her wonderful, adorable, doting father.

"Right? He's very cool too! How about I take you to the orphanage to see if they can accommodate you after you eat breakfast? You came at the right time, my wife cooked her special omelettes today and you're gonna love it!"

The proud baker boasted about his wife's cooking and invited Adira in. Although she found them too trusting to strangers that it was too alien for her, she was thankful nonetheless. Cause if he hadn't invited her, she'd be crawling back to the manor with an empty stomach.

The little wife, a woman with jet black shiny hair, small delicate face and pinkish lips, looked towards them and was briely shocked with the little visitor before her visage warmed up and she smiled.

She Becomes A Passive Villainess-NOT!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat