A Damsel-In-Distress

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While Iris was busy coquettishly advancing with the iceberg, aka Casimir, she saw in her peripheral view the warm atmosphere between Adira and Triton, who were sharing a conversation.

To make Adira lose favor more, she immediately pulled a bothered look and turned to Casimir.

"Umm, your highness, I was just wondering how your relationship with Lady Sylveris is nowadays. I mean, I do not mean to pry or anything but lately, she seems to be a lot closer to Lord Dalriada.

Of course, it could only be me but is there something between them? Are your relationship still smooth sailing?"

After hearing the lady's worries and seeing that vexed look on her face, he shifted his attention to Adira and Triton engaging in a light-hearted conversation—an ugliness immediately bubbling up inside him.

Annoyed with the man, who was using his break as an excuse to approach his wife—ehem, Soon-to-be—he stalked close to them.

Adira, noticing that dark aura from the corner of her eyes, had a vague idea regarding what was being instilled inside this possessive and paranoid prince's brain again.

Really, she will take advantage of literally anything huh?

"Hello, Casey. Are you tired? Want me to take over?" Adira beamed happily like she couldn't see the dark aura around the great demon lord.

Casimir's mood just plummeted more and turned the atmosphere as chilly as winter when the other didn't even care nor try to pacify him or what. She just sat there like nothing was wrong.

"No. I don't want to interrupt."

"Glad you know you're interrupting something, your highness." Triton spoke with contempt and sarcasm.

He glared at the prince that towered over him while he remained in his sitting position. He refused to back down despite their difference in status.

Casimir was already upset and being annoyed by this blonde bastard, who always tactlessly makes a move on his fiancee even under his nose, was making it worse!

He swore he really wanted to slug him right then and there! If only he wasn't a prince and he wasn't in front of Adira.

The latter could palpate the brewing storm and electrifying friction between these two powerhouses and aptly intervened before they blew up. She was afraid of them making a scene especially since they both were at the top of the heirarchy.

"Ca-Casey! Calm down! I was just asking Triton a few things regarding my absence yesterday!"

"Triton...?" Casimir repeated and Adira immediately regretted it. Now, Casimir was looking even more murderous without bothering to hide it anymore.

How many barrels of vinegar* did this man gobble?


"Instead of entertaining some insignificant person, why don't you go back to my room and take care of our son?"

Everyone present immediately stopped what they were doing and whipped their heads towards their awkward triangle. There were three things that made them completely freeze.

First was the brewing fight and the drastic drop in temperature that chilled everyone to the deepest of their core and the Lady Sylveris was bravely standing amidst of that!

Hail Lady Sylveris!

Second was the prince that seldomly spoke sentences and kept his words at the barest minimum spoke a total of... Twenty words in one breath!

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