Let It Burn

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Heise flew as fast as he could with Adira on his back. He was faster than he was when he was out looking for his mother and he can only attribute it to the fact that he was with his mother again and they are now returning home.

That and this time, he only had to go straight to one particular destination.

So, he was feeling more strong and alive.

"I'm really sorry to ask you to fly faster, Baby, but we don't have much time. Don't worry, Mommy will also give you her mana, okay? Mommy will protect you."

Adira said while she gripped on Heise's spikes tightly so she didn't get blown away and lessen the child's worries about flying faster.

She really had this nagging feeling in her chest that Casimir was in danger. Not only that, she needed to give the man a piece of her mind. How dare he actually let her go!

She was gonna show him what it meant to anger Adira Sylveris!


The Versaillus Army looked on to Casimir's pathetic figure. In his platinum eyes was a deep and endless chasm that could swallow a person with no hopes of turning back.

That dim glow in his eyes clearly showed how he had lost his reason to live—to take up his sword and fight.

There's no more reason to preserve this Empire, is there?

To him, a world without Adira was just an empty and desolate world damned for all eternity. There was no warmth, no light, no life.

Just a hollow, cold and bitter world.

So without her, what does he care what happens to the Empire? He never cared about its citizens—that's for sure. He only protected and improved it to shape it into an Empire that would give comfort to his wife.

He wanted to build an Empire that his wife would love—an Empire he could offer to her.

That was the reason why he handled all the tedious tasks of governing this large empire because he knew his wife loved it—because Adira loved the people living in it.

But she was gone. She had married Dalriada. She was.. not his anymore.

Then let this Empire crumble and fall. Let it burn with me. Please... Just kill me.

He thought to himself before raising his empty gaze towards the man who was prattling about something he could not hear.

Even his troops were saying something but he can't hear them.

Ah. I wanna die.

He then slowly raised his sword and his sudden movement alerted the man and the Alynthi soldiers, thinking that he was not done yet and gave false hopes to the Versaillus Army.

As he was about to drive his sword into his own chest, the hooded man, who was able to predict it and moved accordingly, blocked his sword before clicking his tongue disapprovingly.

"Who said you could go ahead and die? I still have use for you. It is such a waste to have you kill yourself. So why don't I offer you to the Princess of the Alynthi Kingdom, hmm?

I'm sure, she'd be delighted. You see, the lass has her eyes on you. So since your beloved Lady Sylveris has gone off and married another man, why don't you go and marry another as well?

Isn't that fun? You also get to get even with her on the process as well!"

Everything that was happening seemed too funny to this man as he continued to ridicule the Crown Prince, who did not care what was said to him anymore.

Nothing was getting to him anymore. He just let himself fall.

And indeed, as Roman feared, with Casimir's fall was the Empire's fall as the Versaillus soldiers also lost their will to fight.

If their prince, the man who led them countless times and the person they were supposed to protect, gave up, why shouldn't they? What use was there not giving up?

They'll just be subjugated by another force and live life like how they used to or worse, be forced to live like slaves.

But none of those matter. Casimir had given up. They cannot hope to turn this around anymore. When the sun rises in a few more hours, they'll be under another kingdom's rule.

The scales of dominion had finally tipped into another kingdom's favor.

The man, sensing Casimir's lack of movements now, whistled sharply to get the Alynthi Soldier's attention and smirked.

"Take whatever you like, boys. Money, women or what. They can't do anything now that the beast is down."

And this elicited a roaring, loud and victorious cheer from the soldiers as the Versaillus knights dropped their swords one by one at the face of hopelessness.

The soldiers rushed forward, all at once, and did whatever they wanted. Some pillaged stores and houses, while some pulled women left and right to have the women serve them.

Some wanted to either vent out pent up stress or take revenge and started pummeling the dispirited soldiers—and they didn't fight back.

Though there were some that tried to, they were only met with more pain as Alynthi soldiers ganged up on whoever fought back.

While Casimir just remained kneeling there—unseeing, unaware and unfeeling. The hooded man loved to watch this despairing empty face of Casimir.

But he wanted to, even just once, hear the Great Demon Lord scream in pain.

Thinking this, he pulled out his sword and pointed it at the man's chest, gently pushing it in and carving a deep enough wound, but the man wasn't reacting.


He hummed and went lower. He can't drive it into his chest! That'll kill Casimir! And if he dies, who will he offer to the Princess? How will he suffer?

He cannot give him the easy way out.

So he buried the sword deep into the man's thighs until it practically pierced through, but he still wasn't reacting. Not a slight twitch or cry.

"What the heck? Did you faint while still kneeling and with open eyes? Why do you not react?"

He asked while knocking Casimir's head roughly. And even then, the latter wasn't showing any reactions.

The hours ticked by and the Alynthi soldiers were still drowning themselves in pleasure while being high in their festive mood before they heard the hooded man, who was the reason why they won, whistle again.

"Heeey~ To those who had grudges with this prince~~ you can rough him up! But don't hurt the face or else I can't sell him to your princess."

He announced after getting bored with trying to make Casimir scream with no results.

And well, these soldiers—whether they had grudges with Casimir or not—wanted the honor and experience of beating the Crown Prince of the Versaillus Empire widely known to be untouchable.

So they all wanted to get a few punches in!

They all surrounded this poor unresponsive man and charged all at once when a roar and a feminine cry that came from above them made them halt in their advance.


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