As Long As It's You

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"Adira, it's a little messy in the palace so I opted to place you here. Here in the forest where you found our son, you'll be able to rest properly.

Oh, Heise is here protecting you so don't worry. I will also stay for a few days more before returning to the capital and finish some work.

Did you know? Heise turned into a child while trying to save you. I guess it's a coping mechanism to conserve his mana? He's very handsome.

He's got your cute upturned eyes and butterfly-like long eyelashes. He has shiny raven hair. And he's aloof just like me. He really seems more like our child now that he turned into a boy.

My wife, everything is my fault, isn't it? I mean, when I made you my fiancee, I knew these things would happen eventually. I knew I was placing you in grave danger. But I still selfishly chose what I wanted.

I'm sorry. I cannot let you go. I cannot live without you. So please, come back to me."

Casimir, crestfallen, spoke to the sleeping Adira as he softly caressed and combed her long ash-like hair.

As soon as he finished cleaning up some issues back at the capital, he hurried back to the forest. He didn't expect anything but he hoped to be there when she wakes up.

And since the barrier was a little too weak because of Adira's unconscious state, it was a lot easier to come and go even without permission. So, that aspect was a little bit worrying him. Although he knew Heise wouldn't allow any harm to come to Adira, he can't help but worry for her.

He held her hand, brought it to his face and leaned on her touch that was fortunately warm again. He closed his eyes and savored the feeling. Imagining that she was indeed holding him like that.

If there is a God out there, can you please return her to me? Please don't take her away. I don't pray often nor believe any one of you exist, but please, hear me.

He opened his eyes to gaze at the sleeping maiden before softly placing a kiss on her pink lips. He doesn't believe in fairy tales, but it was worth a try.


Adira heard Casimir's somber voice and even though she was desperate to hug him, comfort him, tell him that it wasn't his fault. She can't.

She walked forward and forward, till eventually she ran and ran to follow his voice and return to his side. To his and Heise's side.

"Casey! Casey! It's not your fault! It never was! I chose to protect you! I wanted to! So please don't blame yourself! Casey!!!"


"... Casey..." A small voice rang so loud in Casimir's ears that jolted him back to focus and pulled away to find gray eyes look towards him with tears running down her beautiful face.

"Casey." She whined softly and raggedly when the man wasn't responding or anything. He just sat there, silently staring at her as if he was just dreaming.

"Adira... Adira... Are you... Are you really awake? Or is this just one of my dreams?

Ah... I must've fallen asleep in my desk again. But... But this is just too good of a dream... Can I... Can I stay here with you a little while longer?"

Adira paused briefly as she stared at him.

"*There's nothing to cry for... I want you to know that... As long as it's you... This pain couldn't hurt me... So, there's no reason to blame yourself."

Adira shakily reached out her hands and gently wiped the tears streaming down Casimir's face, who didn't notice that he himself was crying.

He held her hands tightly, afraid that if he let go then he'll wake up and find himself in his desk again. He had dreamed of scenes just like this, where he finally saw her beautiful ash-like eyes open and gaze back at him again.

"Please don't let me wake up. Let me remain here by your side. Let me stay where I can see you, hear you and feel you.

Don't leave. I've never begged anyone for anything before but I am begging you now. Don't leave me please."

Casimir repeated and oh how Adira's heart ached at watching the strongest, coldest and most apathetic man in the empire break down in tears. How the proudest person had fallen to his knees and begged her fervently. Repeatedly.

Adira watched Casimir's tears and Heise, who was peeking behind Casimir, and thought of how to make him believe she had woken up and it wasn't a dream anymore. He wasn't dreaming and she had found her way back to them.

"Casey... While I was sleeping... I didn't think you'd still pilfer kisses.. from me." She spoke lightly in a poor attempt of cracking a joke.

The prince smiled weakly and sadly at this. Even in his dreams, his wife was still as quirky and happy as he remembered her to be. It made him not want to wake up from his dreams even more.

"This is a really great dream. You're joking and I'm smiling. You're alive and awake and I get to see your lovely eyes and hear your sweet voice. Let it last a little longer please."

Casimir closed his eyes as he snuggled against her warm palms. He was contented even if it was a dream. He was a little bit happy even though he knew it wouldn't last and he'll wake up to the bitter truth again.

It has almost been a week now. Adira still wasn't waking up. Although she wasn't hurting anymore, she still wasn't opening her eyes so he still couldn't be rest assured.

How many times have you dreamt of me waking up to eventually mix reality and dreams?

"What.. must I do.. so you'll believe this is.. real?"

"You don't have to do anything. Just stay by my side and look as beautiful as you do. That'll be perfect."

He reiterated perfectly what she said to him all those months ago when those foolish and stupid nobles were talking behind her back because of Latifolia's daughter's words.

Adira's words were his truth and he remembered every single one of them by heart. Even what she told him when they first met, when she was only a pretty little six-year-old princess of the Sylveris household, he could still remember as if it was yesterday.

"Of course. I'll always stay beside you, Casey. Like hell I'll let you leave me." Adira said, pulled him down by his collars in one strong pull that had all the strength she briefly accumulated in that short time, and placed a searing kiss on his lips.

Don't tell me even with that you still won't believe that all of these are real?

Hi! *That part came from a song that I've been obsessed with lately. It's called Gallows Bell. If you have time please do have a listen to it. I just thought the words were beautiful and fit Adira perfectly.

Thank you for the comments and votes like usual! Love you guys!

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