The Sylveris Castle

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Adira was lounging on her greenhouse with Heise and Lyfa playing on the side, while the latter fed the child sweets of his liking every now and then.

It was the second day since they returned and the gloomy Sylveris Castle had regained it's radiance and life again.

It was brimming with energy, happiness, and vivacity again now that their princess was back.

She sipped on her afternoon tea as she remembered what transpired as soon as she stepped through the Sylveris Castle gates.


"M-M-My Lady! And Lord Heise!" The guards stood in attention with beaming happy smiles upon laying their teary eyes on this mother and son pair that finally returned home. Together.

Adira only smiled and lightly bobbed her head in acknowledgement while Heise waved his cute and chubby little hands at them with an adorable, genuine, happy smile on his face.

Making his popularity among the servants and guards of the Sylveris Castle skyrocket even more—spreading his territory and capturing even more hearts.

This time, it took no effort.

The pair walked on and was met with a haggard looking Ramir—with disheveled hair and clothes and panting heavily—as he looked like he just ran a mile, after he was informed of his little sister's return, before encasing her in a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you're back. I'm very, very glad you're home."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, brother."

Adira comforted the man while patting his back softly and patiently. She really shaves a few years off his life over and over again as she makes him worry relentlessly.

"It's okay as long as you're fine. You don't know how much and often you attract trouble, I think I'm close to losing my mind from the constant worry. I've gotten used to it, but that doesn't mean I condone your usual reckless behaviour!"

The man inserted his woes that his sister couldn't help but laugh. He was her favorite out of everyone. He was her very kind, lovable, adorable and honest-to-a-fault big brother.

"Uncle! Heise wants upsy!"

The little child, sacrificing his dignity to peel his uncle away from his mother and insert himself in his mother's view, cried and charmingly reached out his hands to Ramir.

The latter, clearly knowing what was up, couldn't say no as they were in the presence of their most beloved woman. And they need to keep their act of getting along together perfectly to see her smile.

And true, Adira showed a happy motherly smile at watching her brother and son mingling and spending time together. She was truly blessed to belong in a family with the best people in the empire.

Something she failed to appreciate in her last life.

"It's best you hurry and—"


Ramir was cut off with a very loud scream and rumbling sounds growing louder and louder before they all turned to the Duke Sylveris, who, once again, lost his elegance and composure as he sprinted towards his beloved daughter with tears and snot on his face.

"Father and Mother's been worrying so much. Father was especially bad, he looked like he aged ten gruesome years."

Ramir shook his head while supplementing his sister with information before she was once again caught in a bone-crushing hug.

However, she did not pull away. She had a vague idea how much her parents must've died a thousand times while worrying about her.

And it made her guilty.

"I'm sorry for worrying you and mother, Father. I'm very sorry. But you know, Heise saved me. My baby did everything he could to bring me back."

Adira flaunted her genius and very capable son and Silfor took the surprised child from Ramir's shoulders and engulfed him in a tight hug as well.

"Uuuu~ Thayn chu, mah dear grasohn~~ Grahpa wuvs chuu~ (Thank you, my dear grandson. Grandpa loves you.)"

Silfor thanked the child repeatedly as he rubbed his teary and messy face on the child's shirt while making that ridiculous noises unfit for a Duke.

Adira smiled warmly at them before she was also taken into a pair of soft and warm arms and felt hot tears dripping on her shoulders. It was a silent cry but it tugged at her heart most painfully.

"I'm sorry, Mother."

"No, dearest. You've got nothing to apologize for. It wasn't your fault. What's most important now is that you're back. Safe and sound."

Andrea spoke while caressing her daughter's hair before turning to her grandchild to thank him as well and snatched him from Silfor's arms.

"Give me my cute grandchild. You're so messy, Silfor. Clean yourself and straighten up. You're a Duke, for goodness' sake." And she was back to her self.

Silfor obeyed his wife after giving Adira one more hug and went up to fix himself while Andrea was left to pamper her grandchild, who was also the hero that brought their daughter back.

"Thank you, darling Heise. Thank you for not leaving your Mother and saving her."

"Of course, grandma. Heise will protect Mommy no matter what happens!"

The little boy adorably puffed his little chests proudly and Andrea couldn't be happier with his words. She was happy her daughter was loved by a child as wonderful as Heise and a man as patient and loyal as Casimir.


After that, Heise was pampered more than usual by the servants as well as their flustering around their Mistress. The guards were even more alert as well.

Now, the Sylveris Castle was alert even though there wasn't anything out of sorts.

Adira turned to Heise and set her teacup down before calling the child and beckoning him over to which he wasted not a moment and skipped towards her before he jumped onto her with his little arms attempting to wrap around her.

"Yes Mommy?" He cutely looked up to her.

"Mommy plans to go to Daddy later. Do you want to come with me?"

"Heise will go wherever Mommy goes!"

The child instantly answered with a beaming cute smile and Adira couldn't help but pinch those cute cheeks before engulfing him in a tight warm hug.

"Mommy is so lucky to have you Baby~~ I feel like I won the grand lottery or something!" She cooed which elicited a cheery giggle from this adorable child.

"Heise is luckier because Mommy loves Heise!"

"Yes~~ Mommy loves Heise the most~~" Adira, without a doubt agreed, and peppered light kisses all over the child's round face. She was indeed so damn lucky.

While Lyfa just watched this pair brightening up the greenhouse—no, not only the greenhouse but the Sylveris Castle—more and casted this warm and happy atmosphere this castle had lost a month ago.

She was genuinely happy and thankful from the bottom of her heart that this mother and son pair was reunited and was happy again. Nothing could make her happier than to see her mistress' bright smile on her face. A genuine beautiful happy smile.

"My lady, if you're going to the palace later, then I have a suggestion~"

Lyfa suddenly spoke up, attracting Adira and Heise's attention, and had this slightly hidden smirk on her pretty face.

Hi! So I was not able to update yesterday and to make it up to you, I updated twice today as well!

Thank you for all the comments that I always, ALWAYS enjoy and the 3k+ followers and of course, our 367k readers~ Yaaay! Banzaaaiii 🎉
Let's keep this up!

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