Mommy's Only Baby!

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Casimir laid beside Adira after the lady exhausted herself after her short burst of excitement.

But technically not. You see, there exists a raven wall in between them that kept himself plastered against his wife. He looked like an abandoned husband with the wife focusing more on the child.

"Baby, how did you turn into a child? How long have you known how to do that? Why didn't I know about that?" She interviewed the child snuggling perfectly and comfortably in her arms.

He was a dragon my whole past life. He never once appeared as a boy in front of me.

He cutely peered up to her with brilliant shining sapphire gems and answered,

"Heise becomes what mommy wants most."

So because I wanted power in my previous life, he remained a dragon? So why is he a boy right now?

"So you wanted a child? I can always give you one, you know? You only need to tell me." Casimir interjected to remind them that he was still there and just lying beside them.

Adira and Heise both turned to him, each wearing an expression of their own. One was too red, she might set the flower bed on fire and one was burning in anger, he might also set the flower bed on fire.

What is this idiot father putting inside mommy's head?! I am mommy's only baby!

"What the heck are you talking about?! Casey! I didn't think you're as perverted as your brother!" Adira whined while her voice sounded annoyed—an attempt to hide her embarrassment from his words. Wrongfully dragging Stefan again.

How could he think that I wanted a child just because Heise turned into a boy?! Seriously this man! The moment he confirms my feelings, he suddenly moves forward by leaps and bounds.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Lady Sylveris. We'll soon be wed anyway. What's the difference?" Casimir, having fun with finally having the chance to tease and enjoy his wife's reaction, pushed further and moved a little bit closer to them when Heise suddenly blocked his torso with his tiny feet.

"No! Heise is mommy's only baby! Only Heise!" The dragon turned child whined jealously which melted Adira's heart.

"Awww~ of course, my little baby! You are mommy's only baby!" Adira cooed and cuddled the jealous child. And the latter just stuck a tongue out towards his father that planned to jeopardize his position as his mother's only child.

Little Heise, sooner or later you'll eventually have a younger sibling, you know?


Their family stayed at the Great Forest of Khoth for a few more days to allow Adira to recover completely, fix a few holes on the barrier and Casimir infusing it with his own mana to shoulder half of the burden of Adira's mana consumption. So she could use it to replenish herself instead.

Thus, the barrier gained another attribute to its composition. Not only was it composed of dark magic and phoenix fire, the ice dragon was now added to it.

"Oh. So you're a dragon as well, Casey?" Adira's eyes gleamed as she studied the white dragon's mark wrapping around the red phoenix's mark while gently tracing it with her fingers.

Casimir briefly nodded at her with a smile before it morphed into a frown as he turned to the other mark—as dark as onyx stones—within the phoenix mark. As if it was protecting it.

Is Adira truly a dark magic user?

He turned to his wife, who was now playing and fussing on their child again, and arrived on a decision he knew would have been his answer whatever happened. Not that he wanted any other option.

"I'll always protect you. Whatever happens. I won't allow you to leave me again." He muttered while hugging Adira from behind.

Adira smiled helplessly as she softly patted his arm wrapped around her waist tightly and his head buried on the nook of her neck—his silvery white hair tickling her. He was as clingy and as needy as a child like Heise.

"You always have protected me and Heise. At least, let me protect you as well. And I distinctly remember I told you that I am not leaving you and you also cannot leave me, right?"

She replied before turning around within his embrace and pecking him softly on his cheeks and blushed—she still wasn't used to showing much of her affection.

"That's not how you do it, my wife. This is how you do it." Casimir smirked and lightly pushed her chin up before meeting her halfway and placing a lasting and fervent kiss on her delicious cherry red lips—which made her even more red.

Adira still wasn't finished blushing before feeling a tug on her skirt and she looked down to an expecting, shining and sparkling sapphire orbs. Patiently waiting for his turn.

She smiled happily before squatting down and gave the little guy a kiss on his forehead, nose and cheeks. Adding a tight hug into his package as well.

"Shall we go home?" Adira asked and Heise automatically changed into a dragon for faster transportation.


Adira, who wasn't yet aware of the fact that Heise's existence had been revealed, told him to land at the forest they once hid when they did that scary stunt and the latter obeyed.

Together, they returned to the capital. Only difference now was, there was a child in between this beautiful couple.

The people who knew them all had their jaws hanging open as their gazes followed them—and unconsciously their feet as well.

This attractive family were walking around and visiting various shops as they toured their child around while heading towards the palace. They came across this sweets stall that sold huge cotton candies and this family stopped.

The old woman shopkeeper—who was as nosy as the old woman from the neighborhood—looked at them with very happy eyes before she commented,

"What a lovely family. You, young man, have a very beautiful wife and child. How lucky."

Apparently, she didn't recognize Casimir—the prince.

Well, how could she? Aside from her eyesight not as well as during her prime, the man exuded a warm and happy aura and smiled every now and then. Especially when the woman beside him smiled at him. Too different from the cold-hearted prince they used to know.

"Indeed, Madam. I am very, very lucky and blessed." He happily replied and paid a very huge amount for one cotton candy.

The shopkeeper, confused, called out to them as they walked away and returned the extra money.

Casimir only smiled and pushed it back to her while saying,

"Please, keep it."

And sped-walk to catch up with his wife and child sharing the sweet candy.

Hi! I'm back with an update again! I made it light and happy this time! In hopes that everyone is happy as well! Or if you're not, I hope this chapter influences you to be happy today!

Thank you for the comments and votes as always! My lovelies~~ you guys are the best~~ Let's keep this up always! Banzaa-

Adira: WAAAAIT! who amongst you planned to take my child?! Come out and fight me!! Heise is mine!! My baby is mine!

Casimir: My wife! No one's taking Heise away from you! Calm down! You're burning the author!

Heise: I'm my mother's child. I'm sorry but I only love my Mommy! *Bow*

Author: Yeah. I'm used to it. Anyway~ please don't take the little dragon away or hell will arise here. That'll be all! Banzai 🎉

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