Resurrected the Great Demon Lord

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Adira returned normally after that and Casimir was so relieved he crushed her in his embrace.

A few students as well as the teachers, who were now gathered there, looked at the two of them and silently averted their eyes.

They certainly did not need this dog food right now!

"Are you okay?" He asked and Adira could hear the worry interlaced in them.

"Yes. I'm sorry for scaring you, Casey. But I need your help. I swear I will explain when we are alone but please help me hide this creature for now." She spoke in a low voice that only Casimir could hear and turned slightly to the little black thing curled into a ball squished in between them.

He stared at it then to Adira's dark grey pleading eyes and sighed in resignation. He can never go against her anyway.

"Now that Lady Adira has returned safe and sound, we should make haste and return to the compound before it gets dark."

Really this guy, he only ever speaks long sentences when he's giving orders.

Just like that?

Was the common thought of all the people present there but knew better than to question the prince's words.

Everyone was also aware of what happened to the ones that dared to make this black-hearted prince repeat what he said.

Everyone filed out of the forest and went back to their respective rooms. Except, of course, Adira, who was dragged to Casimir's quarters the moment they returned.


Really? No 'Are you hurt?' or 'Where are you hurting?' Or even 'Were you scared by yourself?' Nothing?

She thought and stared at the man towering over her incredulously. She sighed and started narrating again from after she crawled out of the hole up to when she had to use her own mana to supply the forest creatures' barrier after the dragon died. Thus, she gained access in and out the place.

Casimir, who now sat across her, shifted his gaze to the little black ball latched onto his Adira after listening to the whole story.

Seriously, if this thing wasn't a baby, he'd have long ripped it off and tossed it out. But Adira would hate that. He could see the lady had already become attached to it.

"Are you planning to rear it?"

Adira thought for a while. Honestly, though it seemed illogical and completely baseless, this little dragon oddly reminded her of her Heise.

Still, that doesn't mean that she would go ahead and name it. She wanted to wait more. In a week, a lot of his features will be defined clearly, right? Maybe she'll have her answer then.

"Mm." She answered after a while.

"Now, let me see your hand." He suddenly strayed off their current issue and jumped onto this new one.

She had thought she managed to casually and secretly smuggle that information into her recounting. He didn't say anything until now so she thought that he missed it.

Turns out, it wasn't that simple to fool Casimir.

She obediently held out her clenched hand and hesitated to show him the wound. She got too carried away and made a larger gash than intended.

"Open it."

Adira shut her eyes tight and left her life to fate. She'll just have to try everything she can to pacify this demon lord when he rises from hell.

As soon as Casimir saw the slit, he frowned along with that sudden drop in the temperature. The cold and dangerous glint in his eyes danced menacingly it was like Adira just successfully resurrected the great demon lord.

Oh God.

"Ca-Casey! I-It's fine! Look! It has started to clot! It'll get better! Give it a week! Okay? Calm down, okay?" She rushed trying to pacify him when he suddenly stood up and walked out of the room.

Adira's nerves were very agitated as she shuffled on her seat endlessly, waiting for Casimir to return and deliver her punishment.

A few minutes after, he came back with a teacher in tow. It was the teacher that specialized in healing.

What the—? You can't abuse your power like this! How could you drag a teacher in here just for a small wound like this?!

She ranted in her head while she panicked and alternatively looked at the teacher and her fiancee. Trying to get her thoughts across him through her eyes.

"Pro-Professor! I-I am fine! Casey—His highness Prince Casimir's just being parano—ummm.." she suddenly trailed off and pursed her mouth into a thin line.

It was fine if she spoke like that if it was only the two of them. But a teacher was also present and the way she's talking about the prince was both inappropriate and rude.

While the teacher who remained silent had a thought,

Who said the prince was cold and uncaring? To personally come and pick me up to heal his little fiancee's wound. How sweet.

Adira could only resign and held out her hand for it to be taken care of. She could only cry inside as she thought,

I wonder if he purposely did this so I can't say otherwise.

After everything was done and all, Casimir led the teacher out and left Adira alone for a short while before returning, still very displeased and upset.

"Sorry." Was all she could say and hang her head.

The incision she made on her hand was nowhere to be seen now. Even the tiny cuts were gone too.

Casimir wasn't about to let her off so easily this time but he reconsidered after some while. She was just trying to help the creatures that were left with no one to protect them.

Was he being too hard on her?

Looking at her pitiful figure and the fact that it was still his fault for not being able to stop her in time, his heart mellowed out and he reached out to have her in his arms.

It was now his turn to be comforted. He needed to reassure himself now that she was safe and sound.

"I'm really sorry, Casey. I should've taken care of myself better. I'm really sorry for worrying you like that."


"Are you still mad at me?"

Breaking off their hug momentarily to look at her sad little eyes, he brought his lips down to her head before softly answering her, "No."

Maybe I should keep her within my line of sight at all times from now on.

Snuggling into his embrace, the remaining frost that solidified have finally melted as he felt his adorable fiancee settle comfortably in his arms. Just like a needy little cat.

Everything was perfect. Adira was in his arms. She was safe. She was in his arms. He's finally calmed down. And she was in his arms.

It was perfect until the little black ball woke up and whipped his tail, smacking it repeatedly on Casimir's arms. Clearly telling him to take his paws off his mother.

Damn. Another one?

Updating two chapter cause why not? I'm happy for all the kind words I received and all the votes! It's not much but I appreciate you all very much! I hope you are having fun reading this!

Special mention to Kana_Harutine, Yahooismylife, Crescentstep and TunaJeju for mass commenting! Lol I was shocked when I saw the notifs!

Thank you my lovelies! Xoxo

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