4 ~ Key To Safety

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I was shoved into this big white building by two random men who had joined our little gang.

"In a rush now are we?" I asked smirking as I stared forward in the direction we were going.

"Trust me feline, you don't want to make the Alpha angry," one of them answered.

"Thanks for the advice, sweetie, but I think I can make my own decisions," I replied, as the man rolled his eyes.

After what felt like thousands of endless corridors, we entered a small room. There was a desk in the middle of the room, with a chair on each side. The fact that there wasn't any windows in the room, freaked me out a little. Inside I spotted a rather large looking man who quickly turned around to look at me.

"Beta," the men who were holding me bowed their heads slightly. "This is the cat."

"Perfect, now leave us." I heard him say as I looked into his ice blue eyes. The men quickly scattered. Pathetic.

"How sad," I said staring up at the Beta. "I was looking forward to meet this great Alpha everyone has been telling me about." He growled at me as I continued. "What do you want with me?" I asked, done with playing around.

"Someone's demanding," he smirked.

"Cut the shit. You must have a reason, or do you do this for fun?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. I imagine he wasn't very used to being disrespected. "As I assume you know, in this pack we do not accept any being to remain alive if it is seen as a threat," he stated.

"I'm not a threat-" I began to say but he cut me off.

"Not ... Directly," he said. "You see, a number of packs around the areas know of your existence, and have been trying to track you down." This was news to me, I mean I knew other pack disliked me, but track me down? Sheesh. Calm yourselves. "We all know that your kind can heal, and so you are of great value to many packs, this one included."

Wait .. what ?

"Hold up a second ... Did you say heal?"

"Well, yea. Since this pack does undergo several battles, we need a way to ensure safety among our members, and you little cat, are the key to that safety. We also want to ensure that no other pack gets you, for then they would have a great advantage, therefore making you a threat to us."

"Look, I'm sorry, but I can't heal people. I mean at times I can hardly heal myself, let alone other wolves." I argued. "Anyways, I will not help a pack that tracks me down, puts me in a cage, cuffs me in whatever this is around my wrists, and then forces me to cooperate. Sorry, not sorry." I told him.

"Of course you can heal people, you filthy liar! You're a werecat, you said so yourself!"

"Maybe you're confusing me of another type?" This could happen. I mean, there are multiple types of werecats. I guess you could say I'm a wereleopard. But there are lynxes, pumas, tigers, lions .. well you get my point.

"Impossible." He remarked. "You will do as we say."

"Or what?"

"We'll kill you." He stated.

"Well you won't be healing anyone with me dead, so I wonder how that will work out, darling." I said, while faking a smile. "Besides, even if I could heal, I would never help this fucking pack after the way you've treated me." I spat out at him. At this he called a couple of men into the room.

"Take her to the cell." He commanded. The men tried to grab me.

"Ah, ah, ah. No touching," I said nudging away from them. "I can walk myself, thank you." The men looked up at their Beta for approval as he shrugged.

"I don't give a shit, just don't fucking lose her." He simply stated. "Oh, and my sweet kitty cat?" he said as I looked back over my shoulder. "Sleep well, tomorrow you meet the Alpha." He said.

"So he's finally put up the courage to meet me?" I said while smirking at the Beta, as I turned my head back around, and walked away from the Beta with my head held high. Many wolves turned their heads to look at me as I passed them in the corridor. I answered all their curious stares with a wink and kept walking down the long corridor, with one man ahead of me, and one man at my heel.

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