26 ~ Let the Kitten Run

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We went back home after the afternoon of shopping and I bought pretty much everything I wanted, even though it took some arguing. He realized how stupid he was being when I started choosing all the clothes he could buy. After seeing himself wear a long baggy top about five sizes too big, with a pair of baggy jeans and bright green trainers, he decided to sulk silently every time I made a purchase.

Girl power, am I right?

"I have a meeting in about half an hour with my Beta, Duke, and my third in command, Cam." He explained when we were almost at the pack house, as though I forgot their names.

"Oh..." I said. "So I guess Robin's babysitting?"

"I was thinking; maybe you want to join the meeting?" He asked.

"What?" I didn't know what game he was playing. Since when was I simply 'allowed' to go to meetings?

"What?" He mimicked.

"Just a few days ago you were trying to keep me as far away from your meetings as possible... Now I'm just free to join?"

"I was thinking about what you had said that day..." He explained. "And you were right; we are discussing you. Or more specifically your lesson tomorrow, so why shouldn't you be present?"

I had totally forgotten that tomorrow was Friday, my first healing lesson.

"Well in that case, I believe we have a meeting to attend," I said while smiling. "Adam, what if I can't heal?" I said suddenly serious. The thought had been bugging me. Would he reject me? As much as I hated being so dependent on someone, he was my mate. And it is said that a werewolf is incomplete without one.

"Then we'll take it from there," he said planting a kiss on my hand that was gripped in his own. We walked straight to his office and he opened the door revealing Cam and Duke having an argument.

"He can sleep in the right wing!" Cam said.

"No he can sleep in the left wing where there is more protection!" Duke argued back.

"Enough," Adam commanded. "He will sleep in the left wing. No further arguing." Duke let out a proud huff as Cam grunted.

"Ahh, you've brought the kitten." Cam said. Adam let out a small growl of protection. "And I see you've changed your mind." He gave Adam a small wink. What was he talking about? Before I could ask any questions, the Beta spoke up.

"Alpha, as much as I respect your decision, don't you think that-" Duke was cut off.

"It was the wisest one I could make? Indeed." Adam interrupted. "If she is the topic of discussion, she will be part of the discussion. If she wishes, of course." He said while smiling at me.

"So let's begin!" I said while wiggling my eyebrows at Cam, who chuckled in response.

I left the meeting before Adam, as they started to talk about something I didn't know enough about. Statistical issues or something like that.

"Guess who went shopping?" I said in a singing tone as I entered Robin's room. I could smell them inside so I wasn't surprised when Ryan and Robin looked up at me from Robin's bed.

"Let me see!" Ryan chanted.

"Here," I said giving him the bag. "Now if you'll excuse me, I just bought a shaver, and I my legs are starting to make me look like a gorilla. Mind if I use your shower?" I asked Robin.

"Go ahead," She replied.

"So how has your day been?" I asked them when I had finishes shaving my legs, under arms and between my legs.

Wrapped Around My Whiskers (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ