37 ~ Planning

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"Wait here," Sydney said while walking into the café. About two minutes later she came back out with Helen, who was holding a rather large basket with a blanket inside.

"Put her in here, make sure to cover her. I don't want people to see her and call Animal Welfare." She instructed. I did exactly as she said, making sure to coo the pup when she started to moan. We walked inside and I followed Helen to a door, which she opened to reveal a staircase going downwards. "We can talk downstairs."

"There's a downstairs?" I asked, surprised. I had never even noticed that there was a door.

"Do you think I sleep on the tables?" She smiled.

"I guess I never thought about it," I shrugged.

"Can we go before the puppy starts howling?" Sydney asked, softly pushing me towards the staircase after Helen.

Downstairs opened up to a living room with two couches and a coffee table in between. There were doors on the three surrounding walls.

"Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom." Sydney said, pointing to the different doors. I set the basket down on the table and the second I did, I saw a small little head peep out of the blanket.

"Well, let's see it." Helen encouraged. I kneeled down and held my arms out. The pup quickly bounced into them, and I was surprised that she had started to trust me so much. "It's adorable!"

"It's a girl." I said.

"It's a distraction." Sydney huffed. "We need to discuss how to get your family out of that pack."

"Can we begin by you telling me why they are being kept there?" Helen asked.

"Their Alpha, Alpha Alan Rogers, went looking for a werecat since they had been going through a lot of wars and they had a lot of injured men. He sent out warnings to her pack but her Alpha refused to hand her over. So when he attacked, her mother was dead set on keeping her safe, and so gave herself up, convincing the head warrior that she was the were cat they were looking for, but they soon found out that she can't heal. After taking over Octavia's pack, and killing a lot of its members, they imprisoned her family and are currently using them as slaves." She explained.

"That's horrible," Helen murmured.

"No kidding," Sydney replied. "And that pup is the last thing we need at the moment."

"What do you want me to do? Abandon it?!" I shouted.

"Well you chose the wrong time to adopt a stray puppy!" She shouted back.

"I was not about to let her bleed to death!" I argued.

"Doesn't look like she's bleeding to death now, is she?!"

"Who do you think healed her?!"

"Girls!" Helen interrupted. "Get your head out of your asses and stop arguing! We're not going to get them out if we don't start talking reasonably! Both of you, sit down!" I sat down opposite Sydney, who sat on the same couch as Helen.

"So what's the plan?" I asked after half a minute of silence.

"Grammy, do you have a map?" Sydney asked Helen. Helen quickly got up and went into another room, coming back with a rather large map in hand.

"So if this," She circled a part of the map. "Is the pack, this is were your family is being kept. The pack's defense system is divided into four; north, east, south and west. As you can see, your brother is being kept on the west side. A friend of mine, who I told you about earlier, is part of the west defense responsible for those prison cells. I have spoken to him and he has agreed to help me. We need a distraction. Something that will give him the excuse to tell all his men to leave their posts. That's were you come in." She directed to me.

"I'm the distraction?" I asked.

"Well, you certainly know how to create distractions." She replied, nodding at the puppy in my arms.

"Sydney," Helen scolded.

"Anyway." She rolled her eyes. "Yes, you're the distraction. You will run through their territory, or more specifically, the west side of their territory. When they catch your scent, the guard I know will mind-link the rest of the pack guards to follow you. That is, if you can outrun them." She challenged.

"Of course I can outrun them. Have you ever seen me run?" I snapped.

"Fine then. So while they're all out chasing you, I'll go let out Sam and your parents, with the help of my friend."

"How do you know this guy anyway? Does he have a name?"

"Cooper. And he used to be my best friend." She explained.

"Was he part of your previous pack?"

"No. I was part of that pack." She turned to look away from me. "But I left when I met Adam. Octavia, I don't think you get how horrible that pack is. Trust me, I lived there. We need to get him out." I could see her eyes begin to tear.

"And we will," I said, getting up to hold her hand. "I promise."

"Don't promise anything. You never know what could go wrong." I nodded in response, sitting back down on my couch. The pup on my lap licked my chin, comfortable again.

"So have you named her?" Helen asked.

"No," I replied.

"Have anything in mind?" Sydney asked.

"I haven't really had the time to think about anything. Just call her Pup or something." I said.

"Pup?" Helen raised an eyebrow.

"Temporarily." I explained. "So, what now?"

"In two days the Alpha goes for a trip to find his mate, at sunrise. He's taking a bunch of pack members with him, leaving his third-in-command behind. I say we begin that evening, at sunset. That will make sure that the Alpha is a good distance away, so he can't just suddenly turn around and come running back."

"Sounds good," I replied.

"I need to go continue cooking," Helen said, getting up.

"Helen, do you think I could spend a few nights here?" I asked. "I don't want to put Pup in danger. I'll go hunt for both of us, and I can help you wait tables. We won't make a mess I swear-"

"Of course you can." She cut me off, smiling. "I'm sure Sydney won't mind a roommate."

"You're sleeping here?" I asked.

"I can't really face Adam at the moment." Sydney replied. Helen went upstairs, leaving the two of us alone.

"Do you think you can keep and eye on her whilst I go hunting?" I asked.

"Sure," She replied. "Octavia, are you sure you're okay with the plan?"

"Lucky for you, I'm used to being chased by men." I winked as I got up to leave, placing Pup on the couch beside Sydney.


I haven't updated recently since I've been in holiday, and still am on holiday so I don't know when I will update again.

Please vote if you enjoyed it, comment if you have anything to say and follow me! :)

- Maja x

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