50 ~ Flying Condoms

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"It's beautiful!" Ryan exclaimed, bursting into the bedroom, referring to my dress.

"Your mother sure knows how pick a dress," Robin agreed.

"I'll leave you three alone," Adam mumbled.

I'll see you later, he mind linked.

Be quick or Ryan might kill me with the hair curler, I joked.

If he as much as leaves a single burn on your-

I was kidding! I smiled at him, goofily. I blew him a kiss before he left room, and he pretending to catch it and place it in his back pocket.

"Look at you making the Alpha all mushy with love," Ryan teased.

"Yea yea, whatever." I rolled my eyes at him, although I secretly felt proud.

"Speaking of love," he continued. "You two mated didn't you?"

"You don't need to ask, this whole room stinks of sex." Robin replied.

"Guilty as charged," I said. "And it was gooood-"

"Shut up!" Robin said, covering her ears childishly since it was her brother I was talking about. She walked towards the bathroom, and shut the door. She had mentioned something about needing to pee earlier.

"Look at your legs!" Ryan exclaimed, causing me to look down.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Girl you need to shave," he shook his head. "You let Adam fuck you looking like that?"

"He didn't seem to care," I shrugged. He rolled his eyes and handed me a pink shaver out of the big bag he was carrying.

"Good thing I came prepared. Now take the damn dress off and go wash."

"But I just came out of the shower!" I moaned. Taking the shaver from his hand.

"But you didn't do much washing, did you?" Robin asked, as she came back into the room holding a condom between her fingertips which were covered with a glove.

"That's fucking disgusting, Rob, why would you touch that?" I asked.

"More importantly, where did you get the gloves?" Ryan asked.

"How in the name of the Goddess is that more important?" I replied.

"Quit stalling and go shave!" He ordered.

"And throw this away, while you're at it." Robin added, tossing the condom at me.

"Robin!" I shrieked, ducking causing it to hit Ryan in the face. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm. Going. To. Murder. You," he hissed at Robin, and I quickly slipped into the bathroom to avoid having any more condoms thrown at me.


"Better?" I asked, showing off my newly shaved legs to the two.

"Much," Robin nodded.

"Did you shave everything?" Ryan asked. I nodded in response. "Even your hoo-haa?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. Now can I please put on my dress?" I asked, impatiently.

"First hair and makeup," they said in unison, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'll plait your hair," Robin offered. "Fishtail braid?" I nodded, remembering how I used to braid it a long time ago.

"And we'll go with natural colours," Ryan said, opening his bag and taking out several palettes.

"You do realize makeup beats the whole point of natural?" I asked.

"Shut up and sit down," he huffed, and I followed his orders.

After about 20 minutes my eyebrows had been tortured and plucked into perfection and my face was covered with makeup. Ryan managed to make my bone structure shift, and when I asked him how he managed he simply replied;


Don't ask me what that means, I just accepted it. So much for natural.

By the time they finally let me put on the bloody dress, my hair was nicely braided with a few strands of hair left loose to frame my face.

I then sat and watched as Ryan worked his magic on Robin, who went for darker shades then me and she pinned her hair in an elegant bun on top of her head. She wore a maroon dress, which ended mid thigh, just like my own.

Are you ready? Adam's voice boomed in my head.

Yea, I replied.

Are they gone?

"Adam's asking if you guys are gone," I stated.

"Tell him we were just leaving," Robin replied.

"We'll see you in half an hour," Ryan blew me a kiss before they both left. Just as he closed the door, I mind linked Adam.

They are now.

Good, he replied. Thirty seconds later the door opened once more.

Mate, Nika sighed dreamily.

"Because I couldn't stand anther second without you." He finished, walking towards me and grabbing from my waist. He starts kissing my neck, but as much as I wanted him to continue, I slowly began pushing him off of me.

"Ryan will kill me if I smudge my makeup," I groaned.

"I don't care," He replied holding onto me tighter and looking me straight in the eyes. "You're beautiful without it."

"Tell that to society."

"Fuck society."

"That's deep, but you have about half an hour to get your ass ready."

"So we have enough time to do all kinds of naughty-"

"No! " I insisted, shoving him towards his walk-in wardrobe, causing him to roll his eyes. "Now go change!"

"Okay, okay!" He moaned. He soon enough came back out, wearing a suit and doing up his tie. "Voilà," He presented.

"I'm impressed," I nodded. "The Alpha can dress himself."

"And he can undress himself too. Very quickly," he added.

"Get over yourself," I rolled my eyes, playfully. He walked to the mirror and started to play with his hair.

"Let me do it." I offered, sitting him down on the chair in front of me and rubbing some gel between my fingers. I played with his hair until I decided on having it leaning to the right. "Finished."

"Thank you," he smiled before kissing my hand softly. "Now let's go; it would be a disgrace for the Luna to be late for her own dinner."


This chapter didn't have much interesting content, but I'll try make the next one a bit more... Dramatic.

Also : 50th chapter whoop whoop! Thank you for those who have been here since my first update, and thank you all for reading this far!

Please vote if you enjoyed it, comment if you have anything to say and follow me! :)

- Maja x

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