12 ~ Matching Lingerie

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My legs started to feel wobbly as a reaction to his sexy words. I broke eye contact and looked down at the cuffs he had put around my wrists again. I tried to channel all these emotions into anger, and I looked back into his eyes.

"Don't underestimate me," I whispered back, as he let out a growl.

"Adam, stop worrying," Robin said. "I said I was going to keep an eye on her, and I will."

"I can't trust you after this," Adam stated.

"You're overreacting-" Robin began.

"Enough!" He shouted, causing Ryan to squeal. "I'm taking her to my room, I'll keep an eye on her myself."

Something about that sentence made my whole insides flutter.

No, you can't go to his room! I thought to myself. Stupid self conscience.

"To Hell you are," I remarked. "I'm not going anywhere with you," I stated while looking him in the eye. He let out a chuckle.

"That's cute," He said, "You think you have a choice." And at that he grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me out of the room.

"Why does this feel like rape?" I asked as I heard Robin scream my mate's name in frustration and anger.

I was pulled into an enormous, dark room. It seemed he was as obsessed with black as Robin was with pink. He had stopped dragging me a few
minutes before, when I had started to follow him willingly. Apart from the fact that I kind of had to, I felt like I was supposed to... I guess it was the whole mate thing.

I walked into the big room and took it all in. There was a king sized bed at the back of the room, obviously with covered with a black bed spread and black pillows etcetera. On the right wall there was a large windowsill and a beautiful window. I caught sight of the view, and it was the most magnificent sight I had ever seen, even better than the ones from the tree tops. You could see for miles beyond end, and I quickly grew jealous.

There was also a sofa, desk and a television. I had never seen such a thin and wide TV.

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that Adam was staring at me.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing," He quickly responded, with a small smile, "You're cute when you're thinking." He said with a shrug.

"Whatever," I answered, hoping my cheeks weren't red. "Now what?" I asked.

"Well, I was hoping you would agree to help my pack." Adam said.

"Look," I began, "I don't know what you people have heard about me, but I don't know how to heal!" I said, suddenly frustrated.

"Don't lie to me," Adam growled, his face suddenly very close to mine. "I can tell when someone is lying to me."

"If you could, you would realize that I'm not." I stated.

He stared at me with those big, green-

Focus, human! Lana hissed.

"You're telling the truth?" Adam asked, as he started to believe me. I started to nod my head in return.

He turned away from me and shook his head in annoyance, as he started to walk to the window. He gazed out into the dark night as a stared at him. I could have stared at him all night long. Too bad he was keeping me cuffed, as that tends to be a slight turn off.

"So what now?" I asked.

"I don't know." He sighed "I guess we'll deal with it tomorrow," at this he turned around to face me. He started to strip out of his top and jeans, indicating that he was going to sleep. I stared at him in his boxer briefs.

Two words: That package.

Might as well copy him, I thought to myself, I have nothing else to sleep in, and a tight black dress doesn't sound so comforting.

I suddenly remembered the lingerie Robin had lent me, and I started to grin.

I started to unzip my dress, as I looked up and saw Adam staring at me from a few meters away. I could see his green eyes start to deepen in colour. I couldn't reach the rest of the zip due to the stupid hand cuffs.

"A little help?" I asked and heard him intake a sharp breath. He strode over to me and tugged off the dress with a great force, and flinging it to the ground. I could feel his deep breaths on my neck as I stood with my back turned away from him.

I caught my reflection in the mirror hung in front of me and felt pleased. I was wearing a dark red thong, and a matching silk bra, both almost similar to the color of my hair. The way he was looking at my body made my insides flutter, as his face was filled with desire and admiration.

He placed both his hands on either sides of my waist, as he gently placed a kiss on my collar bone.

"Beautiful," he whispered, as I let out a hushed giggle.

"Like what you see, Alpha dear?"

He spun me around and pinned me to the wall, placing my cuffed wrists above my head forcefully, as his lips were inches away from mine.

"You have no idea, Kitty."



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- Maja x

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