20 ~ A Favor

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Adam's face was looking down on me, filled with shock after the hard contact of my hand against his face. He grabbed my wrists and pinned then to the wall causing me to let out a slight gasp in fright. I looked him in the eyes and saw they were filled with anger.

Then the anger was gone. I felt the contact he had on wrist suddenly loosen as my hands reached my sides.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his face inches away from mine, except now he looked down at me with an expression I had not seen him wear. An expression asking for forgiveness.

"Sorry for what?" I asked him.

"Everything," he said. "Everything I've done that's put you in such pain."

I started to list the things he has done in my head. The hand cuffs, the prison, healing, Sydney... Surely he could not except me to forgive him, right?

"Okay.." I replied, unsure of what to say. He brushed his hand over my own, and slowly wrapped his fingers around them. The soft contact made my insides flutter. And I hated it.

Then I loved it.

Then I hated myself for loving it.

He nodded his direction of the bed, and I instantly pulled away from him. "Just because you say you're sorry, doesn't mean I am about to sleep with you."

"I never asked you to," he replied, a small smile reaching his lips. "I just want to talk." He stretched his hand out again, but I ignored it. I walked straight to the big bed, and sat myself on one edge of it.

I looked back at my mate, and saw he was still standing where I left him, his expression containing slight surprise. I motioned for him to sit on the opposite edge of the bed, as far away from me as possible. And he did.

"You sure you're not too drunk to talk sensibly?"

He let out a small groan in response. "Most of it has weared off by now," he replied looking slightly embarrassed. "It doesn't usually last more than an hour."

So he's done this before. I thought to myself.

"Well, go ahead." I said, looking away from him.

"The way I acted today," he began, "I know it was wrong. I know I should be treating you differently. But it's hard for me-"

"Hard for you?" I interrupted, suddenly angry. "Hard for you to do what? Put hand cuffs on me? Get off with Sydney? Or was it the threat to sell me that was so difficul-"

"Let me finish!" He shouted, startling me. He quickly changed his tone. "Please," he added. I grunted in response.

"It's difficult for me to change the way I treat women," He said quietly. So quietly that if I wasn't a werewolf, I would not hear him. "But you make me want to change. You make me want to bow down to women, or more specifically my woman, in respect."

What was he talking about? He was rambling, and I tried to make sense of his words. He wanted to respect me... So why didn't he? What was so hard?

"I am not your woman," I hissed. "I belong to myself, and not a man whore like you."

"Look, I don't want to fight with you. But I want to ask a favor."

"What could I possibly give you?" I snarled.

"A date." He stated. "A date so that I can explain myself further to you."

His words caught me off guard, as I was suddenly speechless.

A date?! Nika howled. Yes! Yes!

Nika, I'm starting to realize how stupid you really are. I replied

What's the worst that could happen?

She had a point. Just because I was agreeing to a date did not mean it had to mean anything.

"Where?" I asked. I saw his face fill with glee as he realized I had agreed to his date.

"That's for me to worry about," he replied. "So tomorrow evening, can you be ready at 7?"

"Do I have a choice?

"Yes." He stated. "I'm not forcing you into this. If you don't want it to be at seven, I'll change the time. I want you to feel like-"

"Yea yea, seven it is then." I cut him off. I didn't feel like talking to him any more, as my eyes were starting to feel heavy. But then a thought hit me. "What about Sydney?"

"What about Sydney?" He replied with a casual tone.

"Adam, she's your girlfriend. You can't cheat on her."

"She's not my girlfriend anymore." He replied. "I broke things off a few hours ago. I didn't want to get her in between all this."

I don't know why I felt so happy over this, as the man sitting in front of me was still a monster.

But he's our monster.

Shut up, Nika.



So I know I havn't updated in like ages... But I think I have writer's block, which I didn't even think existed until now :(

I don't really know how this is going to end up, we'll just have to wait and see...

Therefore, I know this chapter sucks. Really bad. But I felt I had to write something. So sorry for that 😔

I'm going to try update more... Fingers crossed!

Please vote if you enjoyed it, comment if you have anything to say and follow me! :)

- Maja x

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