32 ~ Cheating

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I woke up and she was gone.

I felt a sudden wave of panic as I sat up in bed and frantically searched the bed, throwing the sheets onto the floor. But she was gone.

Did I scare her? Will she come back? What if she ran away? Oh Goddess, what have I done?

Calm down boy, Nero instructed. She probably just wants some space.

I grunted as I got out of bed and left my room, making my way to my office. Or more specifically; my liquor cabinet.

And here I thought you were done with this, Nero mumbled in my head.

What made you think that? I asked, unlocking the cabinet and taking a swing from a bottle.

I thought maybe you would get your act together to impress our mate, but apparently you're not good enough for that. He scolded.

You told me to calm down, I growled. So I'm doing just that.

He must have given up, or maybe he was giving me the silent treatment. I couldn't care less, as long as he shut up.

She didn't want to become my mate... Was I not good enough for her? Sure I was a right dick in the beginning, but I was really trying to fix all I had done.

I was so used to having girls throw themselves at me, that I was quite surprised when she said no. Me and Sydney had discussed mates a while back, and we had both agreed that we would be there for each other until our mates arrived. If they never did we would mark each other. I never thought that my mate wouldn't let me mark her.

I took swing after swing until I finished a whole bottle of whatever was in that damn bottle.

Does she not appreciate my hard work? Does she not understand how hard this whole romance thing was? I asked myself throwing the glass bottle at the wall angrily, and watching it smash to pieces.

I grabbed another bottle and stared out the window, watching the sun begin to rise. I stared blankly into the forest distance. Then I saw something.

You're dreaming... I said to myself rubbing my eyes. How drunk was I?

I looked back into the forest but I saw them again. Octavia and Caleb emerged from the forest, smiling at each other, naked to the core. Caleb said something and threw my mate her clothes, and she zipped her mouth with her hand, promising not to say anything.

Son of a fucking bitch... I thought as jealousy filled my body. That was my mate. How dare he touch her?! She wiuldn't even let me mark her, why would she let a random wolf screw her?

Well if she wants to cheat, two can play at that game.

Sydney, I mind linked earning an almost instant response.

What? She replied, sounding pissed.

Are you busy?

No, she huffed.

I need you to come to my room. I commanded, using my superior tone, as I took one last swing of what was my fourth bottle and started leaving my office.

I thought we were done, she hissed.

Just fucking do it, I growled.

Fine, do I bring anything? She asked.

A robe. I instructed. Just a robe. Don't come with any other material with or under it.

On my way, she said, and even though I knew she was trying to act like she was over me, I could hear the excitement in her voice.

Wrapped Around My Whiskers (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz