5. A nude photo of her.

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Chapter 5

Gray's POV

"So, after one month, your subscribers increased by 25K. That's a huge accomplishment dude. You have 130,000 now." Riggs' eyes focus at the YouTube Creator website on my laptop.

"The views are also increasing." Chance raises his voice in surprise.

We're in the basement which is now my bedroom, slash office, slash studio room.

"Still a long way to go." I lay down on my bed, trying to relax. After editing too many videos, my back hurt. "The viewers only watch the videos for barely two minutes. We need to increase the watch time."

"How can we achieve that? You're very consistent. You publish three 15-minute videos per week." Chance is sitting across from Riggs, cleaning the lens of my DSLR camera.

"I don't know. My head hurts from thinking of what video content to do next."

"Viewers are not buying the ASMR, makeovers, games and pranks anymore. They want new stuff. You need to find a new niche, dude." Riggs suggests.

"I have an idea," Chance eyes lit up, "maybe you should concentrate on vlogging. Viewers are curious, they want to see where you live, what your life is, and know the people you hang out with. Let's show them the city of Baltimore."

"We can't do that right now, we're still under lockdown. Besides, Julia only goes to the gym at the corner, and Brooke, she never goes out of the house. I can't make her."

Riggs let out a frustrated groan. "Why can't you just do it yourself, dude. You don't need to include your sisters in your videos. You're wasting money on those two abusive brats."

Riggs being an only child can't relate to having siblings. Sometimes in my videos, I get a knock on the head by Brooke, a pinch or a punch by Julia. It's a normal thing for us siblings. I annoy them all the time, and their way of coming back at me is by getting physical.

"Five dollars per hour for each one of them. I think that's too much when they're not doing much in the video." Chance shakes his head.

"Not for Brooke. She's not asking for anything in return. That's why I can't demand more of her time. When she says she's tired, she has to go back to her room. I can't force her to stay."

"Julia is kinda expensive. She's acting like a famous Hollywood celebrity. Asking for Starbucks coffee, Krispy Kreme donuts and Chipotle salad." Riggs chuckles nastily. "She even asks Chance to give her a back massage. What the fuck is wrong with her? How can she get tired when she's always sitting in the video?"

"It's not a problem, bro." Chance assures Riggs.

It's not a problem for me either. Chance is a nice harmless guy. He gets along well with my sisters and I can trust him 100% with them.

While Riggs often shows his dislike of Julia. I don't know why they just don't get along. They hate each other's guts.

"Typical Julia. She enjoys giving us a hard time." I chuckle, looking at Riggs.

"She's sadistic, loud and noisy." Riggs murmurs. "She's influenced by Roxanne."


The mere mention of her name makes my tired sleepy cells come alive.

"Right Gray?" Riggs turns to me.

"You're talking about the young Roxanne. I'm sure she mellows down now that she's older."

I agree Roxanne has an enormous influence on Julia, for getting rid of the latter's inferiority complex.

Me and my siblings used to be so timid, shy and had a very low self-esteem. We all struggled to get friends at school and we had a hard time communicating with others. The divorce of our parents played a big factor in losing our confidence. We felt very unhappy, unwanted and abandoned.

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