11. Arch-enemies

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Chapter 11

Grayson's POV

"Five hundred fifty-six thousand views overnight? That's cool!" Riggs exclaims, as he studies my latest YouTube video on his phone. "See? It's proven that every time Roxanne is in your video, the views skyrocketed, and if she's not, it drops."

"That's right. She has to be in your video. The viewers want more of you and her together." Chance glances at me, then his eyes are back on his phone, reading the comments of my latest video, "They're suggesting a 24 hours couple challenge, chapstick, one day date, and other couple challenges."

"It's a family channel. If I'm going to do that, it will turn into a couple's channel, which we're not."

"Obviously you're not." Chance smirks, then his eyes glued to the comments again, "But there's someone here that confirms that you and Roxanne are dating. She saw you both in Starbucks."

"I talked her into joining us." I groan, "That comment must have come from the teenage girl who asked for a picture of us."

"Most probably. Anyway, she assumes that you have something with Rox, but not telling everyone." Riggs chuckles aloud.

"There's nothing to tell." I settle at the table, and clean the lenses of my DSLR camera.

"Yeah, but your fans are getting crazy, expecting that there's something more." Riggs continues.

"And that keeps the excitement going." Chance sits across from me, "They're wondering what the real score is. If you're attracted to each other, if you're dating or in a secret relationship. They're following the vlog, hoping for some progress."

"If only they knew the truth that we grew up together, like siblings."

"Viewers don't understand that. They love what they see in the video, and they enjoy shipping both of you."

Riggs gives me a hard slap on my back, and I flinch.

"Can't blame them. You and Rox look good together. You're both attractive, conveying positive vibes, youthful, happy... and with beautiful smiles. I agree with the viewers, you will make a handsome couple."

"That will never happen. I don't have time for any distractions right now, I'm focused on my career and in making it big. I'm done with girls, dating and commitment. Been there, and I don't want to repeat being cheated. It's just a waste of time."

"You're developing a mistrust issue, dude." Riggs chuckles aloud.

"Do you think Roxanne is a cheater?" Chance asks Riggs, who is frowning at my response.

"I don't think so." Riggs shakes his head, "She may be a badass in high school but she dated no one. I even thought she's a tomboy, but when she dated Archer West, that confirms that she likes boys."

The mention of Archer West, my arch-enemy, makes my eyebrows snap together. He hates me as much as I hate him. But my best friends don't know that. My connection with Archer is something that I conceal to anyone.

"Of course! Who wouldn't turn into a real girl when dating Archer West? The most popular basketball player of Everly and coming from the richest clan of Maryland. He also drives a Lamborghini." Chance let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Why did they break up?" I ask, suddenly curious to know about Roxanne and what she went through.

Riggs shrugs his shoulders. "It's still a mystery, dude. One day they were so much in love, and the next day, they avoided each other. I heard it was a terrible break up."

"But Roxanne is working at Steaming Hottie Cafe. I heard from Julia that it's managed by Archer. So I guess, they're getting friendly again."

I almost dropped my DSLR, surprised at what I heard. I did not know that she's working in a coffee shop owned by the West family, and that Archer is her boss.

I continue listening to my best friends. It seems like Roxanne is their favorite topic this morning.

"No, dude." Riggs shakes his head vigorously, "Roxanne needs money to pay her college loan, she has no choice but to get the job. I pity her for swallowing her pride, imagine working as a waitress in her ex coffee shop."

That information makes me very upset. I don't like the idea that she has to bear working with the West, especially with Archer every day.


The following day, it's Saturday and Roxanne arrives in the house at seven in the morning. I open the door, since I'm the only one who wakes up early in the house.

Seeing her pretty face, surely lit up my sleeping cells, making me wide awake. There's this aura in her that vibrates positive energy within me, making me energize.

"I just drop by to return this." Roxanne says, as she gives me the plastic bag that has the clothes that she borrowed from Julia during our shoot the other day. "They're clean, I already washed them."

"I'll give this to her later. She's still sleeping."

She nods, then steps back. "Thanks. I have to go now. I'll see you in the shoot this afternoon."

"Yeah, see you." I have to stop her. I can't just let her go now. Not yet. "Are you going to work?"

She turns back and faces me. "No, it's my day off."

"How about coffee?"

"Thanks. But I had my coffee already." She smiles, then about to go.

"Breakfast? Pancake with whipped Cream and strawberries. Just like the old days."

"Um..." Her nose wrinkles a little, and it seems like my offer was not attractive enough.

"I need to talk to you as well. Consider this a business meeting." I say firmly, turning the tone of my voice, into a boss.

"Okay fine. But I like my pancakes with bacon."

"Your wish is my command, princess."

Roxanne waits in the living room while I'm in the kitchen cooking bacon and pancakes. I also made her a fresh orange juice.

I set the table nicely, putting a fresh red rose that I picked from mom's little garden in the center.

I used mom's expensive white china wares that are reserved for our special guests. I did the plating, using my artistic skill in making her plate beautiful. Two pancakes with a beautiful swirl of whipped cream and the prettiest strawberry on top. The avocado at the side was nicely and meticulously cut in uniform. I arrange the bacon strips neatly in a silver plate with beautiful slices of tomatoes, carrots and cucumber. A tall crystal glass of fresh orange juice that looks like the one served in a five-star hotel, with a slice of fresh orange at the golden rim of the glass.

For two minutes, I'm staring at the most beautiful breakfast that I have ever made in my entire life, with a big smile plastered on my face, and a feeling of great satisfaction.

I'm ready to call her. I'm very excited as I walk towards the living room.

Suddenly I stop, something snaps in my brain. I go back to the kitchen and look at the dining table.

Realization sinks in.

"What the fuck am I doing?"

I throw the red rose and replace the chinaware plates with our usual daily old plates. The whipped cream is a mess on top, and the strawberry falls at the side.

The once beautiful arrangement of avocado and bacon strips are now a mess too, and I transferred them to our overused discolored serving plates. I pour the orange juice into an ordinary glass and eat the slice of orange.

"What the hell am I thinking? Why am I trying to impress her? She's Roxanne, my sister's best friend."

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