10. My first love, Archer West

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Chapter 10

Roxanne's POV

I already knew Archer way back then, as the most popular guy of Beverly High School. The best basketball player, the school president, the best debater, the prom king, and so much more.

He noticed me, many times, when he substituted Mr. Hamilton, to watch the delinquent students at the detention room. I had many offenses - skipping classes to watch movies or go to the nearby beach, cursing my teachers, chasing someone with a bat at the school hallway, fighting with the mean girls, giving a boy a black eye, and other things.

"Stop winking at me, that won't work on me." Archer would snap at me in front of the others in the detention room.

"Bullshit, I want to go home! Who gives you the right to keep us here, huh? We're off at three, and it's four o'clock now."

"You have no right to complain either. You shouldn't have broken the girl's bathroom mirror if you want to go home early."

"That was unintentional. I slipped and bumped at the mirror!"

"Stop lying."

"I'm not lying! Why would I ever lie?" My voice rose in an octave, as I reasoned out with him. "I. DID. NOT. BREAK. THE. MIRROR. Did you hear me?"

"I'm not deaf. Someone saw you hit it with your fist."

"Ha! Who do you think I am, Captain Marvel?" I let out a sarcastic grin, "I don't understand why everyone believed Pipa. She's making up stories just to spite me."

"For what?" His eyebrows rose inquiringly.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a wicked look.

"She knows I'm fucking you."

Everyone in the detention room was shocked and gave us a curious look.

"Hey! She's lying." Archer defended himself and kept going for another five minutes, but failed to convince everyone.

I was having a great time watching him so distressed, while the students ignored his explanation and laughed at him.

He eyed me with monstrosity and said. "Take back what you've said, Roxanne, or I'll extend your detention time for another hour."

My victory was short-lived, and I responded to his expression with animosity.

"Okay fine! That's not true. He's not my type, ugh! I would rather fuck Chewbacca that this scumbag."

"That's it. Another one hour for you." He gave me a sarcastic smile, and a flying kiss.

I caught it and threw it back at his face.

"Fuck you, Archer West!"

Many girls had a crush on him. Almost everyone, including Julia. There was a phase in her high school life that she could not stop talking about him.

Archer never appealed to me. I hated him when he monitored me at the detention room. He followed me, even when I went to the bathroom. Every time we met in the hallway, he would give me a suspicious look, as if I had planted a bomb inside the bathroom.

I had my own way to spite Archer. I would wink at him secretly or blow a kiss. He would respond by giving me an angry look.

One evening, things got crazy when I received a chat from him on messenger. He already graduated Senior High and was leaving for University.

Here's something to keep you thinking of me.

It was a half body nude picture of him.

To spite him, I sent him a nude photo of my full back. But something bad happened. I sent it to the wrong person. To Grayson King.

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