Online Classes

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Pandemic. The whole world was suffering from a pandemic. Everything was shut off. Schools, colleges, malls, everything. No one was allowed to go outside. Not even superheroes. So Peter was not allowed to go outside too.

Peter has told the others that the virus cannot affect him. But he was still not allowed to leave the tower.

He was completely bored in the tower. They didn't had much things to do. All the Avengers spent their days training, watching movies, and having prank and game wars.

Since Peter's school was closed too, they were going to have online classes. Peter was not much happy about it because he knew his family will surely cause some problems. He had told them not to disturb him during his classes even when he knew it very well that they wouldn't listen.

So right now Peter was sitting in his chemistry class. His family had already disturbed his few classes.

Like in the history class when the teacher was telling them about the World War II , Steve and Bucky came in and told the class about the war completely saying that the teacher was not telling the truth completely.

To say the class was shocked would be understatement. After the two super soldiers were gone, Flash had accused Peter of placing green screen.

So back to the present, Peter is keeping his microphone off. He can hear his family yell, scream and throw things at each other through the walls. He is praying his hardest so that the teacher do not ask him to turn on the mic.

But Peter's Parker luck has never been helpful. His techer asked Peter a question.

"Mr. Parker would you tell me the exceptions of metals and non metals as per their physical properties?"

Peter took a deep breath, sighed and turned the mic on. Everyone present in the class could hear the commotion. Peter opened his mouth to give the answer but a loud war cry disrupted him.

" Mr. Parker could you sit in a more quieter place?" Mr. Harrington asked.

" That's the point sir. I am sitting in the quietest room. And the walls are soundproof too. I have told my family to not cause disturbance but they are not listening." Peter told the teacher.

" If that is the case Mr. Parker. Why don't you take us to your family so we can see what are they doing that is causing this much disruption." The teacher proposed not believing that a family can cause a disturbance like this.

Peter tried to tell them off but when the teacher insisted again and again and Flash too started calling him a liar, he decided it would be best to show them what the truth is.

" Ok. I will show you guys. I will open the door and you all can see what's happening there." Peter said and moved towards the gate of his room. In doing so he accidently showed them his whole room too.

All of his classmates other than Ned and MJ were amazed by the sight. Flash really couldn't believe his eyes. How could Parker get a more modernized and bigger room tham his.

They saw Peter take a deep breath and then the door opened. Everyone was looking at their screens to know what could be behind the door. Was some construction work going on in Peter's home? Or the people who lived there whom Peter had called his family were criminals and fighting each other? Well this was only Flash thought.

But nobody has expected what they saw. All of their jaws dropped and eyes widened. They all were gaping like fishes at the sight in front of them . Any guesses what was happening?

Well everyone could see THE AVENGERS engaged in a FOOD FIGHT. They could see the Hawkeye, falcon and the ant man throwing foods at each other while screaming and yelling. Thor culd be seen sitting at a counter munching poptarts while throwing some at the others. Natasha was sitting beside Thor and cheering them. Bucky was laughing while rolling at the floor. Wanda was using her powers to throw food at the three main fighters while giggling and Vision stood beside her totally confused while muttering that he can never understand a human properly. Steve was trying his best to stop them but he too was getting bombarded with food whenever he tried to stop them.

His class couls see Peter shake his head and move towards Thor and Natasha. Peter sat on the counter and started munching on the poptarts while showing his class the reason for the disturbance.

The teacher was going to say something while they saw the captain America clench his hands and take a deep breath. They saw Peter put his hands over his ears. And soon a scream rang out, " EVERYONE STOP! "

All the Avengers froze on their places and looked towards the Steve who was taking deep breaths to control himself. He opened his mouth to start scolding the others , while suddenly someone came in the room .

" GUYS! WE MADE THE VACCINE!!!" They all turned to look at Tony Stark who hadn't looked up to see the food drenched avengers and Bruce Banner who was shocked to his core at the sight in front of him.

Tony finnally looked up and yelled," What the hell?"

"You made the vaccine. Thankyou Uncle Bruce. Now I can finnally go out." Peter exclaimed while hugging Bruce.

The laptop was at the counter at the class could see and hear everything. They were too whispering at the new found information.

" You know Peter, I helped him too. But first of all what happened here?" Tony said.

Peter shrugged, took the laptop and entered his room again.He looked at the screen and said," So Mr. Harrington. You saw the reason of the disturbance. And since Dad and uncle Bruce have made the vaccine the school will open soon so thankyou for the class and bye." 

With that Peter logged off the class despite his teacher's protest. He gave a long sigh. He called Tony Stark Dad in front of his class. He knew there would be too many questions when he will be at the school but right now Peter was exhausted and wanted to sleep only. So that's what he did.

When Peter woke up, he found Clint, Scott, and Sam cleaning the place while grumbling how Wanda and Thor should've been punished too. He just laughed at them along with Natasha and Bucky.

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