Peter Snaps with Sass

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Peter was done with Flash Now. He will not take his crap anymore. This is what was going through his mind from the moment he had gotten off the jet.

Peter was on a trip to Wakanda with the Avengers for a royal ceremony. There he had a lot of fun with Shuri and others. He had played pranks, quoted vines and had a lot of fun in labs.

Peter even sparred with Okoye and learned some new fighting techniques.

He even talked with Shuri about Ned, MJ and school. In between he even slipped that he was being bullied.

And Shuri was not happy about it. She was even ready to take a jet to New York then and there and kill him.

But Peter managed to restrained her. He told her the reasons why he didn't wanted to fight back or tell the Avengers.

Then Shuri got a idea. She told about it to Peter and Peter liked it. He told the plan to MJ, Ned and the Avengers, and they all liked it.

The plan was that Peter would not hit Flash, but do something that might scare him and maybe even reveal his identity. Peter was sure that Flash's face would be a sight to see when he would find about that Peter is Spiderman.

So right now Peter was sitting in the car on his way to school. When Happy told him they had reached, he took a deep breath and got out.

"Bye Hap!" Peter called after the going car and entered the building.

Reaching his locker he greeted Ned and MJ.

"Hey, Ned!MJ!"

Ned waved while MJ just nodded. " So, loser. Ready to show Flash that he messed up bad? "

Peter just chuckled and nodded while Ned started rambling how Flash would be shocked.

Soon Peter felt his senses warning him of someone from behind. He turned around and ducked in time to avoid Flash's punch.

Flash looked shocked for a second. Then he composed himself and snirred, "Parker, ready for the daily beating for your pathetic life? "

With that said, Flash swung a punch only to be dodged easily. By now a few onlookers were gathering to see this.

Flash was getting angrier and angrier. He swung punches, kicks but Peter dodged all of them with a bored look.

The students were staring at a bored looking Peter and a panting Flash.

When Flash realized that he couldn't hit Peter he decided to use verbal abuse. "You know Parker, your parents left you because they couldn't bear to look at your pathetic face and died. "

Peter took a deep breath and said, " Flash if your parents don't give you attention, doesn't mean you need to bully someone to get it. I get it you are desperate for attention, but using someones dead family to get it. Too bad Flash. I pity you. "

With that Peter left for the class leaving a stunned and gaping Flash behind while the onlookers laughed at him.

Ned high fived with Peter when they reached the classroom while MJ said, " I am proud of you, loser. "

The day went by without any interruptions for Peter. Flash was staying away from Peter.

Then in gym class, everyone gaped when Peter did 100 push-ups with MJ on his back within two minutes, while the others took at least 4 minutes.

Peter got up and fist bumped with MJ. He then pulled up his hoodie to wipe the sweat off his forehead and everyone stared.

Peter had abs! Everyone had the same thing going in their heads, how the hell nerdy clumsy Parker got abs?

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