Decathlon Meet at The Tower

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Peter was eager to go back home. Thor and Loki were coming back from Asgard. So right now Peter was moving towards one of the classes to have his decathlon meet.

When he entered the room, MJ along with Mr. Harrington were already there. He greeted them both and soon some other students were there too.

The teacher grabbed everyone's attention and said,"So students, since we were having a at home meet, you all decide whose house are we going today?"

Everyone looked at each other. Some said that their parents are at work and wouldn't want them at their home. A few already had meets at their house. Flash said that his house was under reconstruction, so no.

Now everyone turned to look at Peter.

"So, loser can we come to your house? Why don't you call them And ask?" MJ said and Peter nodded.

He took out his latest Stark phone and dialled his dad's number. When he picked up he said,"Hey dad! Would it be fine if I bring some of my friends for the Decathlon meet along with the teacher?"

"Sure Peter. I will send the limonuise." Tony said and before Peter could protest he hung up.

Peter just shook his head and turned to the team," Someone is coming to pick us up. So who is coming?"

Peter,Ned, MJ, Betty, Cindy, Charles, Abe, Mr. Harrington and worst of all Flash were coming. So it was total of 9.

They all stood at the gate of the school waiting for their ride when Peter turned to them and said," Guys, I have to tell you something. So my family is a little, no scratch that completely crazy. Don't listen to anything they say, especially about me. And Flash try not to bully me in front of them. They will literally kill you." Peter said the last part full of seriousness that everyone shivered.

Soon a black limonuise was standing in front of them. Peter motioned them to enter and their jaws dropped. But they still slid in and seated.

The ride was really awkward. Nobody said a word untill they reached and the limonuise stopped. Everyone came out and their eyes widened in shock.

"It'' Stark Tower." Abe exclaimed.

Mr. Harrington turned to Peter and said," Mr. Parker. What kind of joke is this?"

"This is not a joke Mr. Harrington. Please come inside." He motioned them to come inside and they  entered with uncertainity.

They were in complete awe at the sight. Peter moved towards the reception and greeted the receptionist.

"Hey Emma. This is my Decathlon team for a meet . They will be here for some time." Peter told her and she nodded.

He then motioned them to move through the scanners. They all passed while Peter kept his badge trained at the scanner slot. Then Ned,MJ and Peter entered and a voice rang out.

Welcome back Peter, MJ and Ned. Should I inform the others of your arrival?

"Sure Fri." Peter said and moved forward. He saw his team looking here and there. Peter chuckled and said," It was the tower's A.I Friday."

They nodded and everyone entered the elevators. 

"To the penthouse, Fri."Peter could feel the confusion and uncertainity coming off of his team. Soon the elevator reached the penthouse and the gates opened.

They all stepped and out and the team could see the Avengers lounging. Natasha, Steve and Bucky were on the couches. Clint was sitting in front of a game controller. At the dinging of the elevator they all turned to look at them.

The other three Avengers greeted Peter, Ned and MJ while Clint shouted," Peter. Come and play Mario kart with me. No one is playing with me."

"Sorry Uncle Clint, but I have a decathlon meet to attend. I promise I will play with you later. Bye." With that said Peter motioned his team to follow him.

The class completely dazed passed by the Avengers who smiled at Peter, Ned and MJ and reached a room. Peter opened the gate and they all entered a dark room. 

"Karen slid the binds and turn on the lights." Peter said.

Sure Peter.

A new voice came and the binds were pulled away from the window. Light turned on they could see the room. The room was really big with a king sized bed. A study table, a book self and two doors probably connecting to the bathroom and closet.

Peter told them all to sit down, and they all took their seats on different chairs and couches while Peter,MJ and Ned sat on the bed.

" So, we can start the meet." Peter said trying to avoid the awkwardness.

"Uh.. Ok" Mr. Harrington said with uncertainity. But anyways the meet started.

The meet went well. All the students did fairly well even when everyone was glancing at Peter every five minutes.

Soon there was a knock at the door. The door opened and the two Norse God entered.

"Young Peter and his friends. I am so happy to see you. Now I shall go and treat myself with the poptarts. " Thor said and hugged the trio before leaving.

Now Peter turned to Loki and hugged him, "Uncle Loki! I am really happy to see you. I missed you. "

Loki hugged Peter back and said, " I missed you too Peter. And hello Ned and MJ. And who are this Midgardian people? " he asked motioning to his team who was shell shocked.

"Oh, they are my decathlon team from school. We were practicing for our next match. We are finished by now by the way. " Peter told the God.

Loki nodded and left. Peter turned to his class but before he could say anything someone entered the room.

" Hello Kiddies and teacher. If you are done with your meet,  you are invited for an exclusive dinner with the Avengers. And maybe I can show you some embarrassing pics and videos of Pete!" Tony said and grinned at Peter who glared at him in return.

The class was completely shook. They were standing in the same room as the Tony Stark.

"Don't you dare, Dad!" Peter hissed.

"And what if I do Pete? "

"I will... I will tell mom how you blasted the labs last week and didn't tell her. "

"You wouldn't dare, Pete. You were there too. "

"Yes, and that's why mom will be more angry at you. " Peter said and smirked. Tony glared at his son for a whole minute and then sighed in defeat, "OK you win this time. " with that he left.

The class was watching the whole conversation in shock. Peter was Tony Stark's son.

Peter turned to his class and rubbed his neck nervously.

"Well guys, Told you my family is crazy. " He said.

"You are Tony Stark's son??!? " one of his teammates exclaimed.

"Yeah! And you can't tell anyone. Now do you all want to join us in dinner?" Peter asked and everyone nodded eagerly.

Everyone moved to the dining area and sat. The dinner was fun. Peter, MJ and Ned talked with the Avengers while their team sat there shocked.

After the dinner, they all left and Peter was happy. Everything had turned out fine for once. Flash hadn't said anything,  nobody had found about him being Spiderman, and now everyone will believe his internship and Flash would never bully him again.

Life is good.

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