Field Trip And Ross

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Peter was sitting in his Spanish class completely bored. He had tuned his teacher out and was thinking about last night.

Last night the Avengers had got a call from Ross. He had threatened them. The Avengers might be the greatest heroes but they too had their fears. And somehow Ross had gotten hold of some very important database.  

So, now the Avengers were worried and a little fear was retched in their hearts. Ross was a cunning man so it was possible for him to have some important data. And he was a really bad person. After all he was one of the main reasons for the Civil War.

Ross had told the Avengers to sign some papers and then only he would not send the data to the wrong people.

All the Avengers hated him and Peter did too. He was thinking his best to find what information Ross could have.

Peter's thoughts were cut short by his teacher.

"And we are going on a surprise field trip tomorrow for our results in the national quiz." Ms. Lydia said and the class cheered.

"Mr. Parker?" She asked and Peter stood.

"I am sorry but you can't go on the field trip due to your numerous absence. But since we have gotten the trip because of your score, you can stay home tomorrow." Ms. Lydia said with a sad smile.

Peter wanted to protest but then nodded. Ned was literally bouncing in his seat but he was a little sad for Peter too.

When they all came out of the class Peter told Ned and MJ to enjoy the trip and left with Happy.

Reaching the penthouse in tower, he greeted the Avengers and they greeted back. But Peter could sense the worry in their voices. He decided he would do something about it.

He didn't wanted the Avengers to know about it though. So he decided to act normal.

The went by without any disturbance. He spent time in the labs. Did his homework and trained with the Avengers.

But after coming back to his room, he decided to act on his plan.

Tomorrow morning 

A yellow school bus pulled up beside the magnificent Stark tower. The students in the bus could be seen bubbling with excitement. Ned was trying his best to warn his best friend but Peter was not responding. 

MJ looked at the blank screen and snickered. Peter was surely in for a surprise.

All the students got off the bus and entered the extravagent lobby. The sight was really fascinating.

Flash was making fun of Peter how Peter would never be able to place his foot in a building like this when Ned was laughing at the irony that the said building belonged to him.

One of the tour guides noticed the group and moved towards them.

"Hello , I guess you ae from Midtown high. I am Jenna your tour guide and welcome to Stark Industries. First of all you will need passes to ...." The tour guide started telling them about the passes and rules.

One by one all the students passed through the scanners.

Betty Brant level 1

Flash Thompson level 1

Jenna Carter Level 4

Guy in the Chair level 9 welcome back Ned.

Scary Girl level 9 welcome back MJ.

The class was little confused and shocked at the names Friday called for Ned and MJ. Even the tour guide was a Little confused, but she knew not to question someone from higher level. And Friday also recognised them, so she left it.

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