The accident

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Everything was going fine at Midtown high. The usual chatter, teenagers, shouts and all that. But one thing was different. Peter Parker was not in school today.

Well it was not a new thing for him to be absent. So everything was going on as it should be. Some teachers had asked, Ned and MJ about Peter's whereabouts and got an answer that he was on a doctors appointment.

Flash was bullying some other kid and sometime trying to make fun of Peter. Not to mention trying to stay clear of MJ's way too.

Soon, the students were sitting in their last class for the day, when Cindy gasped. The whole class turned to her to find her looking at her phone wide eyed.

"Ms. Moon? Would you kindly put away the phone? " Mrs. Lauren said irritated.

Cindy gulped and shakily looked up, confusing her classmates. "The News" she said and mrs. Lauren put on the news on the smart board.

Watching the news everyone gasped. The news was of just thirty minutes ago. A truck had slammed in a car and crushed it almost completely. And the most important thing, the car was none other than May Parker's.

"Oh my god! Peter! " Betty gasped.

MJ and Ned looked at each other and got up from their seats and started packing their bags. "I am sorry, Mrs. Lauren. But we have to go. " With that MJ left with Ned hot on her heels.

The other occupants of the classroom looked at each other and came to an conclusion. They were going to see Peter too. They all packed their bags and left after saying sorry to Mrs Lauren. Mrs. Lauren didn't even tried to stop them.

The students met MJ and Ned outside the school and joined them. Soon all of them were on their way to the hospital.

The class had never seen MJ cry. But right now tears were flowing down her cheeks and she was shaking lightly. "He is fine. He is strong. He can handle himself. He has been through worse. " She was muttering to herself.

Ned couldn't bear to see MJ like this so he caught her shoulders and made her look at him and said, "MJ he is fine. Don't worry. He has to. For me, you, the team. "

"Bu.. But he got hit.. " MJ started but was cut off by Ned, "He has been through worse MJ. For God's sake, he had a whole building dropped on him and he survived. He will be fine. "

MJ nodded while their classmates were shocked and confused. A building?? Team?? But they choose to stay silent for now.

Soon they reached the hospital which was shown in the news and entered. The receptionist was quite startled to see a bunch of teenagers but composed herself.

MJ and Ned ran to her and asked, "Peter Parker and May Parker? We are Peter's classmates and friends."

The receptionist nodded and told them the room number. They all ran towards the room and soon reached it. The doctors were coming out of the room so MJ asked, "We are Peter's friends, how is he? And aunt May? "

The doctor gave her a sad smile and spoke, "The boy was lucky. He doesn't have anything critical. It's like a miracle. But his aunt.. I am sorry. She died at the spot. The boy will be up in ten to fifteen minutes. " With that the doctor left.

They all entered the room and MJ slumped down in the chair with Ned in relief but in grief too. Peter was fine. But Aunt May was not.

Soon the doctor came back with a nurse and a few officers and asked, "Well the officers are here to take the kid to foster care once he wakes up. But if you know any of his family member who might be alive, then you can tell us. "

Ned was going to answer but before he could, the door slammed open and the Avengers along with Pepper Stark.

As soon as they saw Peter, Pepper broke down with Natasha. Tony turned to the doctor and said, "We are taking Peter to the tower. We have medical facility there."

The doctor looked shocked but then said "I am sorry, sir but you can't. Only Family is allowed to do so. And since his last living relative died, he will be sent to foster care. "

Pepper glared at the doctor, " Like the hell, we would let you take him. He is our child. If you want legal document, then we will sign it. But we are not letting you take him"

Everyone other than the Avengers and Ned and MJ was taken aback. But the officers nodded and gave the papers to Pepper who signed them instantly along with Tony.

"But I can't still let you take him. He is now in our hospital's care and his condition is also not good enough for travelling. " The doctor said and Tony really looked like he would burst in anger.

"why don't you understand, he can't stay here. He hates hospital. And the pain meds you would give him would wear off in ten minutes with his metabolism. " Tony said that confused the doctor.

Natasha couldn't take it anymore so she said, "He is Spiderman! He has enhanced metabolism that will wear off the pain meds too quickly. We have doctors for special people like him in the tower. So let us just take him."

The doctor really didn't know what to say so he just nodded. Ned and MJ saw the shocked look on their classmates faces. Suddenly they all heard a groan.

Everyone's head snapped to Peter. Tony, Pepper and MJ were instantly by his side.

"Kid! Are you oK? " Tony said and Peter groaned.

"Peter.. Sweety. Can anyone close the windows and the lights. He has enhanced senses. " Pepper said Clint nodded. Steve and Clint closed all the windows and turned all the lights off.

"...Dad.....Mom.. " Peter opened his eyes. He looked confused for a second but then his eyes widened and he whispered, "May"

"No.. No.. May .." He tried to get off the bed but Tony stopped him. "Calm down Pete! Everything will be fine. First we have to go to the tower, okay. "

Peter called down and nodded. Tony stepped back and MJ hugged Peter tightly. "Never ever do that again, loser. "

Tony and Pepper talked with the doctors and them they all left with Peter. Ned and MJ stayed back to talk to their classmates.

"So.. "Ned started.

"Peter is Spiderman. " Betty said in disbelief.

"I bullied my favourite superhero. Why didn't he ever fought back?" Flash asked MJ and Ned and MJ answers, " He doesn't uses his power to hurt others, flash. Even of its his bully. And he was afraid that he might hurt you too much. "

"He know the Avengers. " Charles said.

"They are his family. " Ned said and asked if they all wanted to come to Tower with them to look over Peter. They all nodded and then left for the tower.

They all could see the avengers worried for Peter. Tony gave a sad smile to Ned and MJ which they returned. When Peter woke up, all of his classmates said sorry to him for being mean and not believing hid internship. He ofcource forgave them.

They all also promised that they wouldn't let out his secret and would help him as much as they can. Peter was sad for Aunt May's loss but he had also gained a lot of friends whom he could trust or rely on.

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