Insta Post by Tony

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Peter was really excited and literally bouncing on his feets. His adoptive dad Tony had asked him to help with the Iron Man and the Iron spider suit.

Peter entered the lab and greeted his father, "Hey Dad! "

"Hey Pete! Ready to work on the suits?!" Tony asked and Peter nodded enthusiastictly.

Tony just laughed a little and they got to work. They worked for five hours with little breaks here and there.

Peter was felling sleepy now. He tried his best to keep his eyes open but finally gave up.

After some time Tony spoke, "Pete, you okay there bud? "

When Peter didn't answer,Tony turned to have a look at his son. He saw Peter sleeping peacefully while his hands propped on the table and using them as pillows.

He had a iron-man blanket placed on him and his hairs were falling on his face. All in all he looked like a cinnamon roll.

Tony couldn't resist himself from taking a pic and posting it on his instagram.

The next day Peter woke up in his room, did his daily routine and left for school.

Unfortunately he hasn't checked his phone yet.

Reaching the school he found everyone looking at him and whispering. Peter was confused, why was everyone looking at him.

Peter checked that he was not walking on ceiling or had anything that could prove him as Spider Man. When he was sure that they didn't know his secret identity, he sighed and shrugged before leaving.

He reached his locker where Ned and MJ were already waiting.

He greeted them and they greeted back. "So guys, do you have any idea why everyone is staring at me?"

MJ snickered and Ned laughed and said " Dude, check your phone. "

Peter gave him a confused glance and then took out his phone. Opening it he was shocked to get more than a million followers overnight.

He also noted that his Dad has tagged him. He was praying that his dad don't had posted something embarrassing.

He opened it and found the post.

@ youknowwhoiam : Tony Stark

Working on the Iron Man suit can be tiring. @ Peter.B.Parker #mysonisthecutest

Liked by @ Pepper.P.Stark, MJ_thebaddest and 2 million others.


Pepper.P.Stark: Awww.. So cute. But Tony he is not gonna like it that you posted his picture.

YouknowwhoIam: I know Pep, but this is worth it.

BlackWidow: Tony, the lab doors better be open now. I am coming to see my детка паук.

Randomuser: awww...he is so cute.

Randomuser1: I wanna marry him.

Ironfan: Mr. Stark is that your son?

Randomuser3: Mr. Stark can I have him as my boyfriend?

MJ_Thebaddest: That's my boyfriend so back off.

Ned_inthechair: That's my best friend dudes!


hawkeye: ohhh.. Nat is going soft for Peter.

BlackWidow: Clint you better run!

CaptainAmerica: Why is Peter sleeping in lab?

TheFalcon: Ha! Now everyone thinks Peter is cute. He is gonna be so much embarrassed.

Peter was embarrased. He didn't know what to do. Should he kill his dad for posting this or the avengers for commenting on it.

"My social life is done here. " Peter announced and MJ scoffed.

"Don't be overdramatic loser. "

Peter just shook his head and tried his best to ignore the stares and whispers.

Soon enough he saw Flash coming towards him. Flash came there and stood in front of Peter. " So Parker, if you think that by hacking Iron Man account, you can make me believe that you actually know him, then you are wrong. And what is it with the Avengers? And you think that you are Tony Stark's son, huh? Let's see if that is true?" Flash said and Peter's brows furrowed in confusion.

But Flash snatched Peter's phone from his hand and got in the contact list. He then chuckled and turned to the onlookers, " Here, the contact name is Dad.Lets see if it is Tony Stark or not? " Flash said smirking and dialled the number on speaker.

Soon Tony's voice came through the Phone, "Hey,  kid! I know you are angry for posting that Pic. But I am not sorry. "

Flash jaw fell down along with the onlookers and he stuttered, "...Tony.. S. Stark? "

"Yes,  but who are you and why do you have Peter's phone?" Everyone could hear the worry in his voice.

" I am Flash Thompson." Flash said with proud.

"Oh, so you are the kid who bullies my son. Listen here, if you ever even breath in Peter's direction I will send The black widow and the winter soldier after you!" Tony said with anger.

Flash squeked out a yes sir and left shoving the phone in Peter's hand.

"Bye dad! " Peter said and hung up.

He got glances and stared for the whole day. Students tried to be his friends but Peter was happy with Ned and MJ by his side.

His life was better now and he loves every moment of it.

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