Peter in Army

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A/N:- So in this one Peter and MJ are about 20. Peter had went to the army camp for training and him and MJ are engaged. None of Peter's mate know his true identity neither as a Stark or Spiderman. Tony had a press conference to tell the world how Spiderman is on a break.
"Oh you got a letter!" Ruan one of Peter's mate voice came from behind Peter.

Peter was in Army camp training and phones were not allowed. So letters were the next option to talk. Peter's family sent him a letter almost every month. Sometimes it was from someone specific like MJ, his mom or dad or it was mostly from all of them.

"Yeah! " Peter said and opened the letter. But before he could open it completely, it was snatched from his hand by Ruan.

"Oh No. You are not reading it alone. Today we all want to know what is there in the letters that you never show us. " Ruan said and ran off to tell everyone.

Peter hoped that the letter didn't contain anything to reveal his identity.

Soon all of Peter's colleagues were there, Ryan cleared his throat to call for attention.

"So everyone today our dear Peter Parker has received a letter. Let's see what it contains? Probably a love letter. " Ruan said smirking while Peter blushed.

Ruan opened the letter and started reading, "Hey loser! Hope you are still alive. Because if you are not I will bring you back to life and then kill you myself. Peter it's seems you have some scary friends. " Ruan chuckled.

"She is not just a friend. " Peter mumbled but Ruan heard him.

"How do you know it's a she?  And If she is not just a friend, then what is she, your girlfriend?"  Ruan asked while the others chuckled.

"Anyways, so. So Everyone is fine here. We all miss you. Especially your dad and Pep. Me too. Ned is gone on a World Tour with Betty courtesy of your dad. The whole team wants you back and I am pretty sure Nat will kill Katniss if she doesn't gets to see her baby spider.

Anyways you know loser, I'm not a much emotional person so I can't write anything cheesy here. Just don't do anything stupid because I am not there to stop you.

Love you loser!
Your fiance
MJ" The letter ended and Peter was lost in the thoughts of his family. Just imagining Nat running after Clint with a gun and Blade in her hand, bought a smile on his face.

Peter's thoughts were cut short by Ruan who was waving his hand madly in front of Peter.

"Earth to Peter? "

"Huh? Did you said something? " Peter asked him.

"Yes, how are you already engaged? I mean you are the youngest of all of us. " Ruan said.

Peter chuckled and replied, "Well I know that MJ is perfect for me. We had been dating since I was sixteen. I proposed her just before coming here. My family loves her like a own. "

Ruan shook his head and was going to say something but was stopped by their captain.

"Boys,  I got good news. We are going on a trip to meet some really special people. It's very rare to send the trainees on a tour, so you all are really lucky. Pack your things for a week, we are going to New York leaving in an hour. " The captain said and a chorus of yes sir went and the captain left.

The trainees turned to each others and grinned. The break is going to be worth it. On the other hand, Peter was really happy. Maybe he can go and surprise his family during his stay. He would have to ask his captain.

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