Excuses! Excuses! Silly Excuses!

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Throughout his teaching career, Mr. Roger Harrington had heard a lot of excuses from his students. Many of them were plain, boring and the usual like my dog ate my homework.

But sometimes they could get really creative. Really really creative.

Like in case of Peter Benjamin Parker.

Peter was an exceptional student. He would always submit his homeworks on time, sometimes just in nick of time, but still on time. He was by far the best student of the Decathlon team. He was also very supportive and kind towards everyone.

And when it came to Peter's intelligence, Roger Harrington would completely agree that Peter was the second most intelligent person he had personally met in his whole life just after Dr. Bruce Banner.

But there was one thing everyone in the school could count on Peter was that he would come late to the class and give the most ridiculous excuses ever.

Peter was terrible at lying and even more terrible at coming up with excuses. By now Mr. Harrington had heard so many unbelievable excuses that he had started making notes of them to show them to his fellow teachers.

Despite Peter's silly excuses Mr. Harrington never took the matter to anyone. After all Peter's grade were the most astounding in the class, so unless his grades were suffering, Mr. Harrington didn't see any need to look into the matter too much.

It was another normal day in Mr. Harrington's teaching life. The classes had just started and Peter was no where to be seen. Just as Mr. Harrington opened his mouth to question Ned, Peter tumbled in the class with the by far most absurd excuse ever.

"Sorry Mr.Harrington." Peter said panting as he steadied himself with the help of the door." I was busy saving the world."

For the next ten seconds, the class was completely silent save for Peter's panting and Michelle sketching in her notebook.

And then the whole class burst out laughing. Peter apparently realised what he said and turned completely red in embarrassment.

Mr. Harrington shook his head as he motioned for Peter to just go to his seat. Peter sat down beside Michelle who gave him a knowing smirk while Ned patted Peter's back in reassurance from behind him as Peter groaned in embarrassment.

This one definately goes in the notebook. Mr. Harrington thought as he started the class.

For the next two days nothing happened. Until the third day, when Peter was on time but Flash was not. Flash entered the class walking leisurely and and said," Sorry Mr. Harrington, was busy saving the world." With that he winked at Peter who just groaned in embarrassment as the class hollered with laughter.

In the next few weeks, the excuse seemed to get popular and out of hand. Everyone started using it. One day Mr. Harrington even heard Mr. Dell use it when he was late for a teacher's meeting.

Finally principal Morita called a meeting.  Next day all the teachers were in Mr. Harrington's homeroom class with all the students present save Peter as Principal Morita gave them a lecture about using excuses for coming late.

He told them that no one was now allowed to use the excuse of saving the world. Just as Mr. Morita was finishing, they heard a sound from the door, " Sorry Mr. Harrington. Got caught up saving the world."

Everyone turned to look towards the door as their eyes bulged in shock.

When Peter noticed their dumbfounded expressions, he enquired, " What happened?"

There standing at the door was Peter wearing a very realistic Spiderman suit with no mask on.

"Dude, look at what you are wearing." Ned kindly told the confused spider.

"Huh??" Peter looked down and realisation dawned upon him. "Oh shit!"

He quickly fished out a phone from his secret pocket?! And called someone," Hello uh Mr. Stark? We have a problem."

Ten minutes later, Mr. Harrington homeroom class (except Peter, Ned and Michelle) along with all the teachers of Midtown high were signing NDAs personally given to them by Iron Man himself.

Mr. Harrington could hear his students whispering how this all was so unreal and Flash muttering how he bullied his favourite superhero.

After all the NDAs were signed, Mr. Stark turned to all of them and said," I know you all must have quite a day with all this, so this Friday you all are invited to have an exclusive tour of Stark Industries and a meet and greet with the Avengers. How does that sound?"

The class cheered at the mention of meeting Avengers. Eve the teachers were happy, Midtown was a STEM school, so a tour of Stark Industries would only provide the students with learning new stuff.

Mr. Stark gave his iconic smile to the class and turned to Peter." Happy will pick you and your friends up after school today. Shuri is already driving T'challa mad. Then you four can go and blast labs around. Just don't get hurt and don't let Pep or May know. I have a meeting to attend or Pepper will have my head. "

Peter nodded happily. " Thankyou for coming Mr. Stark."

Tony ruffled his hair with affection and said," See you later kid. " With that he turned to look at Ned and Michelle and nodded at them," Bye Ted and Scary girl."

Ned excitedly waved back with a 'bye Mr. Stark' while Michelle just nodded back.

All the teachers still a little shaken up with everything slowly exited the class to get to their own classrooms. Principal Morita cleared his throat and said," Well as I said before ...errr...everything, no one will use that excuse. No one except Mr. Parker I guess. And Mr. Parker please use that only when you were you know saving the world. Please."

" Yes, Mr. Morita." Peter nodded with an awkward smile.

That day Roger Harrington opened his notebook to read some of his favourite excuses from Peter.

1. There was a man and a snake stuck in tree. Together. I had to get them out before the snake stabbed the man.

2. A stupid bird blocked my way.

3. An alien cat ate my bagpack.

4. A tree and a raccoon came to visit me from space, i lost track of time catching up to them.

5. I had to get my dad out of his workshop after he overdosed on coffee.

6. There was a giant lizard on my way to school.

7. I was kidnapped.

8. There was no one at home so me and my friends accidently opened a portal to hell. It took us quite some time to close it.

9. An old man got his hand stuck in a refrigerator. I was helping him.

And finally,

10. I was busy saving the world.

Mr. Harington couldn't help but wonder in horror that was it possible that Peter's other excuses were in fact true?

If yes, he didn't want to know how.

Peter Parker's crazy lifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora