Fitness and Selection Day

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Peter dreaded this day.  Today was Fitness and selection day. That means he had to hold back his powers in gym. Flash taunted him for the whole day regarding how weak he is.

There was only one good thing and that was that MJ and Ned were in Peter's class during Gym. The three friends mostly sat back and talked. Mostly Ned and Peter Talked while MJ read.

Right now Peter was moving towards the gym class along with Ned and MJ.

They all reached there and stood beside the benches. Peter and Ned talked about The Star Wars while MJ quipped in between sometimes.

Soon all the students were here but only the coach was left. Flash came to Peter and snarled, " I bet you are praying to get away Parker. What a weak, pathetic orphan."

MJ glared at Flash and hit him with her book and Flash left in fear. But he was still glaring at Peter. Peter really didn't understand what Flash's problem was.

Soon the coach was there. Mr.Stone was a fit person and always told the students how Fitness is very important.

He get in the centre of the room and said, "So students, we are having the fitness and selection day. You all will go through a test and we will see who is the most fit of you all. And also of you all want you all can send your names for the school team today. Let's see who is going to be the next star in football, dodgeball and the other games. Now the boys have two options, shirt or skin. They can choose anything as per their choice and get started. "

The coach finished and blowed his whistle.

Peter didn't wanted to take part, so he thought of asking Mr. Stone about it. He motioned Mr. Stone to come there, but before he could say anything the coach spoke up, " I am sorry Mr. Parker. But I don't think it's a good idea if you try to join any team. You are better off with the science clubs. "

The whole class listened and started laughing at Peter while Peter went red with embarrassment.

He went back to sit with Ned and MJ. Flash was still mocking him.

Suddenly an idea came to MJ, and she leaned to whisper it in Peter's ear. They told the idea to Ned too and he agreed happily. It was actually a great idea.

Peter nodded and went back to his coach, "Mr. Stone. Can you tell me the exercises I have to do for the test? "

Peter had made sure to ask a little loudly to gain everyone's attention. The teacher snickered and replied, " Well, if you want to know Mr. Parker. Then it's two laps of the room, the dodge run, rope climbing and finally at least twenty push-ups in two minutes."

"And what is the highest record,Sir?" Peter asked with a smile.

" 3 minutes 52 seconds for laps, 5 minute 4 seconds for dodge run, 2 minute 34 second for rope climbing and 50 push-ups in two minutes. " The coach replied.

"Okay Sir. " Peter said and went back. When almost all the students were done and the coach asked, if anyone else wanted to do, Peter raised his hand. The class was snickering and whispering at him.

Peter went to MJ and then turned to the coach, " I will do it in skin. "

With that he took off his hoodie and shirt and gave it to MJ. The class gasped at the six pack abs. How could they believe that the nerdy Peter Parker has abs. Flash jaw was on the floor along with the coach's.

Peter just ignored them and started the test. He finished the laps in 48 seconds. Dodge run in 56 seconds. Rope climbing only took 5 seconds.

By now the class was gaping like a fish at Peter. Ned was cheering Peter while MJ was snickering.

Peter got ready for the push-ups and then turned to MJ.

"Why don't we do it like everytime? " Peter asked her and she shrugged.

The class was completely confused. But soon their confused expressions were replaced by shocked one as MJ went and sat on Peter's back with her book.

Peter told her to count and the teacher started the timer. The students and the coach were counting too.

180! Peter Parker did freaking 180 push-ups in two minutes with a girl on his back.

Peter got up and asked MJ the number of push-ups he did.

And when she said 180, Peter muttered but loud enough for the class to hear.

"Dang it! I am getting slow. It was 196 last week. Nat is going to kill me if she found out."

The coach somehow got over his shock and went to Peter who was wearing his shirt.

"Mr. Parker you were great. I am sure you would love to join the football team. " The coach said.

Peter wore his hoodie and turned to face the teacher, " Sorry Sir, but I think I am better off with the science clubs. " He told the coach with a smile and left the room with a laughing Ned and MJ who was clearly smirking.

The coach watched them leave with his mouth open.

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