Netflix and PJs

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Peter was sitting in his English class right now. Mrs. Cheng was a very nice lady. She always gave less homework's and was a great teacher.

Peter surely loved her class. But there was one thing, Mrs. Cheng had a rule.

No phone calls in class rule. So if anyone's phone rang during her class, they had to pick it on speaker.

Once it had happened to a student and his mother had yelled at him for going to a party without knowing that the whole class was hearing.

It was really embarrassing and from that day, everyone made sure to keep their phone on silence.

But Peter's luck was not on his side today as his phone started ringing causing to class fall in silence.

Peter fumbled with his bag and somehow got his phone out. When he looked up, Mrs. Cheng was standing in front of him with her hand outstretched.

The whole class was looking at Peter while some were snickering. Peter looked at the caller ID and sweared when saw it was Mr. Stark.

He gave the phone to Mrs. Cheng with a sigh. Mrs. Cheng tried to pick the call, but couldn't do so.

"How do you pick it, Mr. Parker?" She asked to Peter.

Peter sighed and said, " Karen, pick up the call on speaker."

The class looked at him confused but soon a feminine voice flowed out, "Are you sure, Peter? If you want I can answer the call for you. No need for you to pick up."

The class gasped but Peter replied, " No, it's okay Karen. Pick up the call on speaker."

"Sure, Peter. "

Soon Tony Stark's voice came, "Hey kid, I know you are in school... "

Buy Tony was interrupted by two voices fighting in the background.

"CLINT! SAM! SHUT YOUR MOUTH. I AM TRYING TO TALK TO PETER HERE.So Peter, I got Netflix for you like you asked. " Tony yelled at the two and then told Peter. The class gasped at the news that The Hawkeye and Falcon were fighting.

Peter eyes lit up at the information and he exclaimed, "Oh! That's awesome! I've been mooching off of Ned's account for years. This will be nice. "

There was a slight pause and then Tony asked,"Wait, what do you mean account?"

Peter brows furrowed in a little confusiin and then said, " His Netflix account? Like his profile? I wanted one of my own they're like $8."

There was complete silence, the class was still trying to get over the fact that The Tony Stark bought Netflix Account for Peter.

".....ohhh.... You mean the account on the service... " Tony said with uncertaintly.

Now Peter was even more confused, "Yeah, What did you think I mean? Wait what did you buy? "

There was a pause and then Tony replied in a low voice, ".....Netflix.. "

At this the class could hear a laugh from the phone, and Hawkeye's voice, " You bought whole Netflix for Peter?!"

Peter took a deep breath and then exclaimed, "That's it Mr
Stark. I am done with you. I am never letting you buy anything for me. "

"..peter.. "Tony tried to say something was cut off by Peter.

"No, you did it the last time too. I am really done with you. "

This time Sam's voice came, " What do you mean by Last time Peter?"

The class was curious too. So they all listened carefully.

"You don't know? Last time Mr. Stark called and asked me if I wanted anything, and I told him some PJs would be fine. And guess he did what? "

"He bought you iron-man PJs? " Clint asked with humour in his voice.

" No, he bought me PJs as in Private Jets. And not only one, he bought me five private jets and when I asked him, what will I do with them, he said he is going to buy an airport to keep the Jets. I am done with you Mr. Stark. Next time if you are going to buy anything, make sure to ask me or Pepper first. Bye. " With that Peter hung up despite Tony's protests and Clint's and Sam's laughing.

He took a deep breath with his eyes closed and them looked up to see his class staring at him.

Ned's jaw was dropped and he asked, " Dude, you didn't tell me that Mr. Stark bought you Private jets. "

"Yeah, he did Ned. I guess I just forgot. " Peter said and the glass stared at him in disbelief.

Even Mrs. Cheng was looking at him in disbelief. Flash was a little mortified listening to Tony Stark voice.

"Is that normal Mr.Parker?" Mrs. Cheng asked him.

"This is one of the most normal thing that happened Mrs. Cheng. Otherwise, it is complete chaos." Peter replied and Mrs. Cheng shook her head and resumed the class.

But the whole class attention was still on Peter. After trying for a minute, She stopped trying.

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