Decathlon practice with Tony Stark!

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Peter's Day was going relatively good and well as usual. But Peter was excited as today he was going to work on a new nanotech Spiderman suit with Tony. So he was literally bouncing.

"Hey dude, let's go to the decathlon practice or MJ will kill us both. " Ned said to Peter moving towards Peter.

Peter nodded and closed his locker. Slinging his bagpack over his shoulder he moved alongside Ned.

They reached the classroom and found almost everyone present there. Greeting everyone Peter and Ned too took their seats and sat down.

While the other students were coming, Ned turned to Peter and said in an usual overexcited tone, "Dude, I still can't believe you work with the Tony Stark. What are you gonna work on with him today? "

Before Peter could answer, an annoying voice came from behind them, "Ha, like puny Parker could work with Tony Stark. It's just a lie to get attention and everyone knows that. "

Some of the students chuckled while Peter felt embarrased. He knew nobody other than Ned and MJ believed him.

"Sit down and shut up Flash, you don't want me to throw you out of the team Now, do you? " Came MJs indifferent voice and Flash immediately sat down.

Peter passed a grateful smile to MJ to which she gave him a small smile.

Soon the meeting started and everyone was answering while MJ and Mr. Harrington asked the questions.

Everything was going fine until the door suddenly burst open and a man in suit with sunglasses came in.

"Peter? "

The whole class sat shell shocked seeing The Tony Stark in their classroom. Peter immediately got up and asked, "Da-Mr. Stark? What are you doing here? "

Tony gave Peter a look and said, "what am I doing here? Come on Kid, don't tell me you forgot that today we were gonna work on yo-i mean Spiderman's suit. I came here to pick you up. "

While the class gawked with their jaw hung low, Peter shook his head and said, "No Mr. Stark I didn't forget. But I think you did forget that I had a decathlon practice today. "

Realization came on Tony's face and an oh escaped his mouth.

"Yes, so can you now get out so we can resume our practice?" MJ said completely unwavered that this is Tony Stark.

Tony looked up and assessed Her for a minute and turned to Peter, "This is your girlfriend MJ you are always talking about? "

Peter went red with embarrassment as some of his teammates laughed and hissed, "I don't always talk about her. And yes she is. "

Tony stretched a hand towards MJ and said, "Tony Stark, nice to meet you. And thanks for keeping Peter out of trouble. He can be idiotic sometimes. Also you are always welcome to the tower. Pepper would really love to meet you. "

MJ really looked taken aback for a second, them composing herself she shook his hand and said, "Michelle Jones. But my friends call me MJ. I would also like to meet Miss Potts. "

Peter couldn't help but bang his head on the table with embarrassment while his class was shocked, awed, and mostly surprised.

Tony turned to the teacher and said, "Well I was here to pick Peter up so I think I can just stay here and maybe help you guys out with your practice. It would be waste to go back and come again. "

The teacher still shocked just nodded and Tony sat down beside Peter. Ned was still looking at Tony in awe when Tony greeted him, "Oh hey Ted. "

"Hi Mr. Stark. "He managed to croak out. Then turned to Peter and whispered, "Dude, the Tony Stark just greeted me. "

"I know Ned. I saw that. But I am screwed now. He is so gonna embarrass me. " Peter whispered yelled back to his friend.

The meeting again started and this time Tony asked a lot of science and tech related questions. All the students gave the answers excitedly and soon the practice ended.

All the students asked for photographs and autographs and Tony happily gave them. It was Peter's class after all.

Then turning to the class Tony spoke, "Well, you guys are really good in science. So I would like to give you all a chance of internship after highschool. You all have a spot reserved for you if you keep your grades up and study like this. "

The class eyes widened and they all cheered. Mr. Harrington couldn't help himself getting proud of his students.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. " He said to Tony and turned to class, "OK class now Mr. Stark is a very busy person. "

Tony gave a nod to the teacher, and caught Peter by his shoulder and turned to Ned and MJ, " Ted and MJ, no you need a nickname too. Let me think! You give me vibes like Pep and Natasha ,so you are scary girl from now on. OK so Ted and Scary girl you two are invited for the family movie marathon this weekend with the Avengers. Happy will pick you two up tommorow morning. Bye. "

Ned started bouncing with happiness while MJ just nodded and said, "That name would do. And I will be there. "

Tony started moving towards the door and Peter turned to him, "Movie marathon? I thought you guys had a mission this weekend? "

"We had. But it got cancelled for some reasons. Something about shape shifting aliens handling it. But you leave it Kid. We have got a lot to work on your suits. And then I will give you a treat of ice-cream just don't let your aunt or Pep know. Otherwise you know we both are dead. "

Peter eyes glimmered with happiness and excitement at the name of ice-cream and he said, "Of course. I would not let them know. "

The decathlon team heard the conversation and watched the pair go out.

"I never knew Peter was so close to the Tony Stark and the Avengers. " Betty breathed out still staying wide eyed at the door.

Ned and MJ shared a mischievous grin and Ned said, "To be honest, you don't know Peter at all. "

With that they both too left the class, leaving the team even more confused.

Suddenly Abe spoke up, "Wait Mr. Stark said 'we have got work on your suits' but weren't they gonna work on Spiderman's suits? "

Everyone's got another shock of their life and Flash could only pale in realization that the boy he bullied is himself his idol.

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