USJ Part 1

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Before long, a new school day arrived which meant that Shoto and Izuku walked into the classroom with helmet hair again.

"Today we will be doing rescue training. You will be guided by me, Thirteen and All Might along with two alumni heroes who were invited. These two have been called in at the last minute since they will have expertise with this type of training just like Thirteen does," Aizawa announced at the beginning of their hero class before sending them off to change into their hero costumes.

When they drove to the locker rooms to change into their costumes for the class, Shoto leaned over to his brother to ask, "Why are there so many heroes just for one class?"

"It could be a security measure because of what happened yesterday with the gate," Izuku guessed with a furrowed brow.

"You think so?"

"Yeah," Izuku nodded as he zipped up his jumpsuit. "And I have a nagging feeling I know who the two guest heroes are."

Shoto took a moment for his brother's words to register in his head before pausing right when he was starting to lace up his shoes. "No... They couldn't..."

"You honestly think they wouldn't pass up a chance like this?" Izuku questioned, which made Shoto shake his head.

"No, they would agree in a heartbeat just for the chance to humiliate us in front of our classmates," Shoto agreed while not noticing how Shoji glanced back at them.


After the long bus ride to the building, the class got out just to be greeted by the sight of the two well-known heroes, Nova and Phoenix, standing next to Thirteen.

"Hello everyone. I've been waiting for you." Thirteen greeted warmly with a wave.

"Woohoo!" Uraraka cheered to herself. "Thirteen is one of my favorite pro heroes."

"Oh my gosh. That's Nova and Phoenix!" Mina exclaimed, pointing out the two heroes that were waiting right by Thirteen.

"They are amazing on the field," Ojiro fanboyed as Nova tightened the white cape around his shoulders.

Yoarashi nodded excitedly with stars in his eyes, "They are very respectable heroes!"

Nova grinned at his brothers who were standing with their classmates, "Why, hello there!"

"That took a while," Phoenix pointed out. "Couldn't drive any faster?"

Aizawa narrowed his eyes tiredly at the duo, "Just when I thought I wouldn't see the two of you again."

"Oh come on, Eraserhead! You love us, I know it," Nova remarked jokingly. "You have a soft spot for both of us in your heart no matter how much you deny it."

"You haven't gotten rid of us at all. In fact, you just got another pair," Phoenix nodded his head over to his brothers. He whispered over to his old teacher, "Even if we moved away, the Midoriya family are still your neighbors no matter what."

Aizawa rubbed the space between his eyebrows, "Let's just get through this class with no unnecessary distractions."

"Do you think they will cause a scene?" Izuku leaned over to whisper to his brother.

Nova dramatically turned his head and covered his eyes with the flat of his hand like he was a pirate searching for treasure. He exaggeratedly gasped like he just found them even though he knew that they were there the entire time, "Are those our little brothers?! Aw, you took inspiration from us. I knew we were your favorites!"

"You just had to jinx it, didn't you?" Shoto asked in return as Phoenix and Nova whipped their heads to fix their gazes on their little brothers and the chance to embarrass them in front of their class. But for now, they kept their distance away from them even though their classmates were now looking between them with obvious growing interest in their eyes.

Seriously Heroes? Yep!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin