Izuku's Training to become the First Quirkless Hero

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Izuku still had to go to school, but Shoto paid extra attention to his brother during the day. He made sure that as soon as he got from his class, he would check on him.

And he accompanied his two mothers as they approached the school on their behavior towards their son. Safe to say, when someone threatens with a lawsuit, the school becomes very apologetic. With that encounter, the bullying was finally kept a minimum with his teachers doing the bare minimum of not allowing any kind of quirk usage in the class and not allowing any kind of bullying to go on in their eyesight. No one wanted to lose their job. Little did they know, Hisashi was gathering some proof on their quirkless discrimination over the years, so they could get the school in serious trouble for their treatment of Izuku as well as others.

Shoto kept an eye on the bragging Bakugo across the lunchroom before glancing over to the gossiping teachers standing with their coffees off to the side.

Izuku looked up from his noodles to see his brother looking somewhere else."Shoto, what do you keep looking at?"

"Nothing worth paying attention to." Shoto answer before turning to look inside Izuku's bento, "Ooh, is that a little panda rice ball?"

"Yeah, why you want it?" Izuku asked, holding it up with his chopsticks.

"You know me too well, brother." Shoto said seriously before opening his mouth. Izuku laughed before basically stuffing the rice into his brother's mouth. "Delicious."


"So all you have to do is move the number up here and divide. You got it?" Fuyumi explained, writing on a dry erase board to show how he should get the answer.

"Yeah, wait hold up.... okay, I think I understand now." Izuku said, erasing his solution a bit to correct his mistake.

Even though he had to train his studies was still important. Fuyumi might be a school teacher for kids, but she could help Izuku with his work. She tutors him at home after he returns from school sometimes to make sure that he retained all the information he learned. Most of the time, he doesn't need as much he,p, but he would get stuck on certain lessons.

Some days, Fuyumi will bring him out to a gazebo in the garden area of the park to improve his analysis skills. She even recommended that he should write in code. Because if his notebook gets stolen or lost then his analysis won't be used for evil intent. She brought up ideas of thinking outside the box while writing down specific notes for heroes. Maybe think about the scientific side of the quirk to see if there might be any disadvantages you could use while fighting. For example, Bakugo sweats nitroglycerin, so he can research a solution to defeat him based on a different chemical.

"Now think about how you can use their own quirk against them. Turn the tables. Think of it as a 'stop hitting yourself!' kind of thing." Fuyumi suggested, drawing out an example of a hero that is getting splashed by their own water quirk.

"Use it against them by thinking ahead." Izuku whispered, writing down the note in his notebook. Fuyumi nodded happily before continuing to sketch out what Izuku could use against the most dangerous evil of all: trigonometry.


Natsuo was a college student with a graphic design major with a minor in dancing. At first, he didn't know what he could bring to the table except fun until he started thinking about it. He had friends in different majors that could help give him advice and he even realized that he could provide some help by thinking more in the fun way.

"So stretch first always a must. You need to loosen up those muscles and joints." Natsuo mumbled, guiding Izuku to stretch on the mat.

Natsuo taught Izuku multiple kinds of dance moves that he could integrate into fighting. Izuku can learn some ballet type moves to help with balance. All kinds of stuff.

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