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Meherbani jaate jaate mujhpe kargaya
Guzarta sa lamha ek daaman bhar gaya

مہربانی جاتے جاتے مجھپے کرگیا
گزرتا سا لمحہ اک دامن بھر گیا


The whole crowd erupted in claps as soon as her name was called on stage.

"We are delighted to present this social justice award to our bravest member. Please welcome on stage Miss Guljaan S. Khan with a round of applause"

Her aura was powerful as she took each step towards the stage.

Her head held high

She was a fierce lioness

She wasn't the scared lamb anymore

The award ceremony was held in Zurich, Switzerland under the ownership of UN. Among all these people she stood confident.

All eyes on her as she rocked her culture and opted for the dress that her Meena aapi gifted her looking beautiful as always.

"Good evening everyone. I am grateful to be here on this stage tonight for two things. First is to finally be free of the cage that I was kept captive for a very long time. And second that I got to share my voice with the world. When I was first held by that man, I never knew what consent means. I had no idea that you could use your voice too. I was a broken bird inside his cage with whom he did whatever he wanted to. He trimmed my wings then very slowly broke my insides. But my Allah wanted me alive. Alive for those who are also suffering inside their four walls. And that is exactly what I did with the will of Allah. I am proud to announce that I am now a social justice activist for all those girls, all those daughters enduring pain silently. Maritial rape is just as horrific as a normal rape. I have no idea why our higher authorities don't take stand against this. Today, Guljaan Sikandar Khan states that I am with all of you. I am among all of you and I will always be your voice. Don't stay silent"

At the end of her speech the whole place erupted in claps

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At the end of her speech the whole place erupted in claps. The audience stood up and clapped for this brave woman who in a short interval of time had seen many etrocities by none other than her first husband.

She was grateful for this achievement. Guljaan knew that it was all nothing without her man. Her eyes instantly looked for his and as they clashed a series of emotions flicker in them. The lone tear that escaped Sikandar's eyes didn't go unnoticed by her.

As she started to walk towards him, the spotlight too shifted on both of them. Every eye on this gorgeous couple as she breathed in relief near him. Without waiting for another minute Sikandar snaked his arm around her waist and she hid her face in his manly chest.

"Sikandar I did it" she cried in his hold as he tightened his arms around her.

"I am proud of you Sikandar ki jaan"

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