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Dear Diary,

I run the water in the shower and let it heat up before I step in. As the water stays running and the bathroom begins to steam, I quickly close the curtains and watch as the sunlight in the bathroom begins to falter, only a bit. The curtains are a thin material so it doesn't do much in the way of keeping the natural light at bay, which I am thankful for. Natural lighting is the only lighting I prefer to get ready in.

The heat from the water trickles over my skin is the most serene way. A hot shower is exactly what I didn't know that I needed this morning. Not that yesterday was a difficult day or anything, but a lot of heavy lifting was done and it completely slipped my mind to shower last night. The only thing on my mind last night was getting a good night's sleep to prepare myself for today. I must be standing underneath the water for longer than I had anticipated, because Perri is now shouting from my bedroom.

"Capri! Hurry up, would you? We need to get to the campus store early, if we plan on getting our books!"

Yeah, the odds of us getting any good books is definitely unlikely, considering that we've already missed this first few weeks of classes because of our late transfers. However, Perri insists that we will be fine.

I immediately shut down the water and step out of the glass doors. I grab my towel and laugh, calling back to Perri.

"Give me five minutes to get dressed and I will meet you by the elevator."

Perri can be very excessive when she wants something, which is not often. God help me if I ever need to get her to go shopping with me; she absolutely hates wasting the time.

I scurry off to my closet and dig through some of the clothes I hung up last night. I didn't unpack completely, because I need enough time to prepare using colour and weather-appropriate order, but I did my best at such a hurried pace.

I am a very organized and neatly-presented person. I like to think that I am this way because it is who I am, but I know I am this way partly or majorly, because mom insisted that I behave this way. She moulded me into the perfect woman I am today; or so she would tell people.

I look at my watch and notice that I'm not taking only five minutes like I promised, and decide to grab whatever I can get my hands on first.

I opt for a pair of salt and pepper Root's sweatpants and a matching pullover sweatshirt. The look that I am so-clearly going for here is the obvious, college student vibe. Not the, my parents have a fifteen-billion-dollar net worth vibe.

Yeah, nobody wants to be the girl with that vibe.

Trust me, they hate it.

I grab my phone and shoes and run to the elevator where sure enough, Perri has been waiting five-years, not minutes. She stands before me with a frown on her face, obviously there because of the hour I wasted from the moment I got out of bed this morning.

She is wearing her usual go-to outfit of the day: black tights, short brown combat boots, a white tee-shirt and a sky-blue jean jacket. Her hair is out in loose curls, of course.

She looks great, of course.

The sky is clear and offering only minimal clouds today. It is windy but not enough that would require us to layer even more so than we have already. I begin to wonder if Perri brought her less-subtle vehicle with her to school instead of bringing her...Ferrari.

She brought the Ferrari.


She brought her red Ferrari.

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWhere stories live. Discover now