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Dear Diary,

Last night's research proved to be successful. After hours of digging and with the help of Jasper's intel, we have found the perfect guy to take me to this mixer. That is, if I can get his attention and hold his interest long enough.

Jasper mentioned that they all attended Common Firth High-School, and that there was one person there in particular, that got on Ryder's last nerve. This very same person happens to be part of the senior frat, Alpha Phi Tau - and single, too: Nathan Aldridge.

According to his social media, he is six 'five and athletic.

So athletic, that he has been Portland State's leading quarterback for four-years standing. Not only is he one of this city's royal players, but he is on the honour roll and apart of the student council committee.

If only I had met him first...

I have yet to see him in person, but his pictures do him justice. He has dirty-blonde hair and brown eyes. He is tall and definitely more muscular than Ryder. To top it all off, he has dimples...the most gorgeous dimples you have ever seen on a man that tall and beautiful.

I need to meet him. He needs to notice me.

Game on, Rhett.

I have been awake for the better part of half my day already. My online classwork has been submitted and my morning and afternoon coffee has already been chugged. In fact, I have already caught up with the Bachelorette. Although, I would much prefer to have watched it in the apartment on an actual tv-screen rather than on my laptop.

I don't really have much decided in the way of plans for my day, but something tells me that it won't be boring.

Ryder's name appears on my phone. I allow face-recognition to unlock his message on my lock-screen so that I can read it now and decide if it's something I even want to reply to, later.

Your Perri found me on campus and asks a lot of questions, it's driving me crazy.

Something about a tuxedo? Fill me in, please.

Going to let off a lot of steam in the gym for tonight's game.

See you there?


I shut my phone off after reading the message and throw it on the opposite side of the couch.

I do not want to support his basketball game.

I didn't even want to know there was a basketball game.

Fuck. I can only think about his basketball game now...

His shorts...his arms...okay stop.

That's it.

I refuse to leave this house today. I need to do some investigation work, and that starts with Jess.

I walk into the kitchen and fix myself a snack before heading out towards the koi-pond. I saw Logan working out there earlier today and knew she would still be there.

"Hey!" she excitedly greets me through one of her yoga poses.

Yoga...this is something I never want to take up.

"You're still going at it, huh?" I take a seat on the grass next to her, but far enough so that she won't poke my eye out with one of her extended limbs.

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWhere stories live. Discover now