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Dear Diary,

Happy Birthday, Jasper Donner Frost.

I watch as Perri freaks out for the third time this morning.

"Perri, you're being dramatic. Just throw in some slinky lingerie and call it a day." I throw her pillow at her.

"Capri! Be serious, please! This is his birthday! I need to dress to impress. Slinky lingerie is not the only thing that does that. Besides, there will be others present." She points her finger at me before waving it around in my face.

"Um, actually. I believe that slinky lingerie is the most perfect, if not the only, thing that will be on that boy's mind all night." I wave my finger in her face for good measure.

"Oh, stop it!" she tosses my hand out of her face, causing me to laugh.

She seems to drop her disgruntled demeanor too, because she's laughing hysterically alongside me, now.

"You're absolutely right. What am I thinking? Of course, that man just wants to see me in lingerie!" she laughs even harder as if she's just discovered the best thing.

I told her so.

"I told you so." I stick my tongue out at her, earning myself her finger in return.

"Quit nagging me. Are you even packed?"

I've had my overnight bag packed since my encounter with Ryder the other night. I won't admit that to her, though. I still haven't found the courage to tell her about our kiss.

"Yessir. I'm ready when you are. We really should have left by now." I check my watch again.

It's just after ten, and Jasper wanted everyone to get to the cottage for eleven so that we can eat brunch together like his family used to. At the rate that we're going, we will be lucky if we get there in time for brunch.

"P. It's a two-hour drive, let's go!" I don't wait for her response and carry my duffel bag down the stairs.

If I show that I'm ready to leave, she will feel bad and get her ass down her faster.

As expected, Perri lugs her travel-sized suitcase down the spiraling steps and drops it with a huff, just before where I stand.

"You had a duffel bag ten seconds ago." I do nothing in the way of hiding my amusement.

"My duffy wasn't going to cut it! Stop bitching, and let's go, bitch. It's my man's birthday! Woo!" she exclaims before bypassing me to the elevator with a newfound hop in her step.

I run my hand down my face and laugh before joining her. I have no idea what's changed her mood in the last two-minutes, but I wish I could get some.

"You sure that it's cool if we take yours?" she asks me after I shut my trunk and climb into the driver's seat.

"You've asked me this six times already. You always drive. Let me. It's your man's birthday, you know?" I smirk at her before peeling out of the condo parking lot.

"Please. You just don't want to sit in my car for two hours."

"It's tiny." I deadpan.

"You would think that after having driven in it thousands of times before, that you would learn to appreciate that it gets us from one place to the next!" she sounds exasperated.

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt