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Dear diary,

My phone must have gone off at least six-times throughout the night.

Groaning, I reach my arm out from underneath the covers and touch around for my phone until I can check who-so desperately needed my attention.


You haven't texted or called, nothing. I suppose this means that you're mad or something. Is this what dating you is going to be like? You're going to ignore me like the Plague once I hurt your feelings?

This, Charlize, is why I don't date.

You had more fight in you when we were in the courting stage, Barbie.

Your Perri told me that you're staying at the sorority all week. I find the timing funny. You staying at the one place where boys are not welcome.

Baby, that won't stop me.

I can't help but smile at Ryder's messages because it means that whilst I've was sitting here, doing my best to ignore my urges to text him, he was sitting there, making no attempt to ignore his.

Before I can draft a response, I notice a couple of messages left from my mother, and my brothers.


India is amazing! Your father actually sat on top of an elephant, Charlize. It was memorable. I hope your studies are going well.

We have also tried this new herbal-tea from New Guinea. I shall bring the remedy home.

Take care, Darling.


Baby sis. Let me know that you haven't died. When people say 'don't be a stranger', this is exactly what they mean. I haven't heard from you.

Call me.


Yo, it's Connor.

I laugh at the last message from Connor, because if this idiot believes that I don't have his number programmed into my phone, then all hope must be lost in the world.

I begin to reply in quick succession to all, but Ryder.

However, as soon as my messages go through to my brothers, Colton's name appears on my screen.

"Hello big brother."

"Sister! Where the hell have you been?" his deep voice booms from the other end.

"I'm here too! Tell her, Colt," I hear Connor shout in the background of whichever noisy place the two of them are occupying at nine-am on a Tuesday.

"Hello, Con. I have your number saved, by the way."

"Tell her I can never be sure!" I hear Connor tell Colton once again.

"I can hear you both, just fine," I tell them.

"Hunt told me about your run-in with Matt. I'm sorry I didn't mention his mother. I just figured you needed your space from the family." Colton's voice falls to a hushed tone.

"I wish I'd have known, C. Nothing can be done about it now, though. We talked and we forgave one another."

"Please tell me that you two haven't forgave-forgave each other, though," Connor shouts.

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWhere stories live. Discover now