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Dear Diary,

Things between Ryder and I have still been a bit strained, but I keep telling myself that it's normal for couples to not spend every waking moment together. Besides, I have never been the clingy girlfriend, so why is it bothering me now?

He still hasn't spent a night with me in almost a week's time now, but he's busy helping Reese settle into their new place. I still haven't been around to see it yet, or to even meet his brother, but he promises in good time I will. I try not to let any of this bother me, because well, I really don't want to overthink.

"You're pouting in your sleep and you don't even know it," Perri's voice startles me awake from my nap. I must have dozed off when I got home from campus, because my drool is all over one of the decorative couch cushions.

I groan and shift my body so that I can see her standing there in yoga pants and a workout top.

"Please don't tell me that you want to try hot yoga again. It's like five-in-the-afternoon. Now is so not the time." I run my hand down my face.

"Sorry that I want to try new things. It seemed fun at the time." She defends herself before kicking my feet off the couch and sitting in their place.

"You confused it with the dog yoga. Idiot."

"Instagram really should have been more precise. How was I meant to know that there wouldn't be dogs there at that specific time?" she huffs.

"It's hot yoga. Why the hell would they want furry dogs dying of heat?"

"Whatever. We live and we learn. Right?" she laughs before nudging my leg with her arm.

"I'm still waiting for you to explain the getup."

"Ugh. Because it's such a crime for me to wear workout clothes?"

"Perri, you hate physical activity that doesn't involve Jasper. You hate shopping for crying out loud."

"For your information, he wanted me to meet him at the gym. He said that couples working out together is better for our mindset or some bullshit. I was just about to leave, but seeing you napping and all slumped has made me lose motive." She pouts.

"Go on." I shoo her with my hands.

"Nope. I'm already cancelling. Girl's night!" she jumps up and claps as if to try and excite me into our impromptu plans.

"Perri, classes have been hectic this entire week. I'm just trying to relax now. Not that I have to tell you about how demanding and draining schoolwork is, Miss Medical Scholar."

"Oh, come on, Cap! It's Friday! We've been here for so long now, but have yet to go out to a bar. What does that say about us?" she crosses her arms over her chest and exhales, dramatically.

"Maybe that we care more about our classes than we do about getting drunk at a bar?" I sit up to show her my level of seriousness.

My ass is not leaving this couch.

"There is a new club that opened downtown just two days ago. Everybody is talking about it. We have to go."

"A club? Jesus, P. I don't want to go to a club any more than I would to a bar."

"I don't really care. You are going to put on a skimpy and tight dress, curl your hair and stop the moping. I thought things with the boo were better?"

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWhere stories live. Discover now