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Dear Diary,

After I had explained my accidental walk-in on a porno to Perri last night, she threw up. No, literally, she threw up immediately afterwards. I am aware that she drank much more than either of us intended for her to.

We talked about it up until it was time to go to bed, which mind you, was around almost three-in-the-morning. She seemed to linger too much on Ryder's words to me. She thinks I need to take him up on his offer and let him have his way with me. She is also the one who was sucking face with someone she's known for all of three-minutes.

We had planned to be home by midnight, but obviously, Perri lost track of time in Jasper's mouth. We went over her little tryst, as well.

She explained that Jasper almost immediately grabbed her away from me when we stepped out into the backyard. She explained that he supplied her with alcohol, only from him, and told her he would watch over all night if she needed him to, in order for her to be able to drink enough and feel safe. Now, both of us are not the biggest drinkers, but if Perri knows that she can indulge whilst being taken care of, she will do just that.

She told me that they got to learn about one another before he made any kind of move towards her. She begins by informing me that he has lived in Portland all of his life. Later, she tells me that he is the youngest of four brothers; that he is here to major in criminal law; and that he never wanted to like someone this soon into his third-year, but that he was left with little-to-no choice when he laid eyes on her in their lab.

Overall, from what she told me last night, he sounds to me like a good guy. I just hope he doesn't give me a reason to doubt him.

By the time I woke up today, Perri was already gone to class. Again, she realized the consequences of drinking so late when having an early class, the following morning.

Looking at my watch, it is two-in-the-afternoon. Wow, I really slept in; almost twelve hours to be exact. I make myself some breakfast: toast with avocado; and pour myself a nice warm cup of homemade coffee. I need to buy my last book online, and fast.

I try Facebook first. I often find that when people need something gone quickly, they rely on the social connectedness of Facebook. Within minutes of searching up my biology class code, I find tons of books up for sale. I message with Jimmy about where to meet for the pickup. He tells me to meet him at the campus coffee shop at three. In all honesty, I wanted to avoid that coffee shop today, but it looks like I'm not really left with a choice.

I get dressed fast, and I make my way into the lobby.

Mom calls me as soon as the elevator doors open. I just now remember that I have not even bothered to contact her since I saw her three days ago.


"Hey mom, sorry I have been so busy trying to catch up to what I missed!" It shouldn't be a lie, but it is.

"Darling, I just want to check in and make sure that everything is going smoothly. Are you and Perri enjoying your campus? Are there any cute boys?"

"Perri has a tighter schedule than me this semester, in fact she is already gone to class and I am just now leaving. The campus is one big maze and the boys are even more confusing."

"That is somewhat good to hear, I suppose. Go to the main desk in the lobby and ask to speak to Carl in the Valet service. With him, you will find the keys to your rental. I am not anything, if not a prepared mother. Take care and call me tomorrow!" she hangs up.

Rental car?


I was planning on just bussing to school, but I guess there is no point in trying to fight with her on this. I do as I'm told and I reach out to Carl, who instructs me to follow him outside towards the valet section to retrieve my new rental car.

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWhere stories live. Discover now