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Dear Diary,

It's been a really bad fucking month, and it's not even close to being over.

However, midterms are officially over, and reading break is in quick succession. Normally, midterms take place in October, but with the number of late arrivals this semester, Dean Barker adjusted our calendars. Of course, this means that our exams are royally screwed up, but I'm not complaining about having a week off in the middle of November.

Surprisingly, the weather has dropped to a new low this year in Portland, meaning that there is a good eight-centimetres of snow on the ground outside.

I love snow.

I spent the entire week after the frat party studying my ass off for these midterms. Our grades have not been disclosed yet, but I won't be surprised when they are. I've never been one to struggle with classes. I guess I have my parents to thank for that.

Speaking of, I place my hot chocolate down on the kitchen island and return my mother's missed call from this morning.

"Baby girl! How are you? How did midterms go?" her welcoming voice floods my ears.

I haven't spent much time answering her phone calls lately, because she can always hear it in my voice when something is wrong.

"Perfect. I'd be disappointed if you expected anything less," I joke.

"Good. We're so proud of you darling. I was so nervous sending you off to a new city and school, but I feel better about it now. You're settled in just fine, right? Perri is keeping you out of trouble?"

"I keep her out of trouble, mom." I roll my eyes playfully.

"Whichever way works. Your father really wanted to talk to you about classes, but you've just missed him."

I haven't talked to dad in ages.

"Have him call me whenever. I'll do my best to have my phone on loud while I'm spending my break asleep and drooling on the couch." It's not a lie.

I lift my head when Perri saunters downstairs with Jasper in tow.

They both exchange a glance and quietly pour themselves some hot chocolate before sitting across from me at the table.

"Well, baby, we will be home at the end of the month and we'd really love to see you. If you think you could swing it? I don't want you distracted from exams, though."

"I can make it work, mom. Keep me updated and have dad call me soon. I'll be home when you land. Love you."

"Love you, sweetie. Take care."

I hang up and lean my body over the countertop.

Suddenly, my muscles feel tense and I haven't even done anything to exert them in any way.

"How are they liking Portugal?" Perri asks.

"The pictures are beautiful."

"Are you going home for break?"

"I wasn't planning on it, but I think you might have an idea." I think it over.

We only have five days left of break, but I've spent the first two sleeping on the couch through various Texas Chainsaw remakes, so I'd say that I can afford to pick things up around here.

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWhere stories live. Discover now