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Dear Diary,

I often find myself conscious of my efforts when making bad decisions. However, that is definitely not the case tonight.

Why did I think it would be fun to come to a frat party? Oh, right. Because I was under the impression that since Ryder is avoiding civilization, I wouldn't have to run into him tonight.

Well, ladies. I am here to say that I have been proven wrong.

So, very fucking wrong.

"We can leave. Say the word. Actually, don't. We'll just leave." Perri begins tugging on my arm to hightail it out of the house, but I stay put.

The night had been going great, for the most part. Perri and I arrived a couple of hours ago, had a few beers, talked to a bunch of great people, and even danced on the makeshift dancefloor in the common room. To say that things were going too great, would be an understatement.

The house is almost the same size as the sorority, which shouldn't have surprised us because Logan warned us about such. It sits four-or-so blocks away from ours, and is almost completely secluded. Seriously, their closest neighbour is around a bend, about a ten-minute-walk away. The house sits on a large patch of land, surrounded by the outskirts of the forest.

Jasper should just throw his party here, honestly.

Everything was going great, up until the point where I needed to take a breather from all of our dancing, and decided to take a walk around and explore. By doing so, I ran into Nathan, of course because my luck isn't already spectacularly run out. Our conversation was sweet and brief, not at all uncomfortable. He showed me around the house, which ended with him giving me a tour of their man cave in the basement. This, ladies and gentlemen, is when everything went to shit.

I took in the large space around me and smiled at the game of intense beer pong going on in the far corner. The guys are so drunk that it's worrying, but the majority of them live here, so that's a bonus. There are various girls dancing in every corner of the room to sultry music, much to the guy's liking.

I was sitting on one of the broken-in leather couches by the flatscreen, when a familiar voice broke out in the room. I immediately tensed, having squeezed the beer in my hands, at the sight of Ryder and some random slut.

Stop calling people sluts, Capri.

Right, I'm sure the five-foot-nothing brunette that's griding all over him on the furthest couch, is a real peach.

A real pastor's daughter.

Without wanting to get up and cause a scene – because he hasn't noticed me yet due to the sea of people dividing us, - I texted Perri with an SOS and she met me down here right away.

This brings me to where we currently stand.

"I'm serious, Cap. Let's get out of here. Like, soon. Before he sees you." She tries to urge me away from my new spot by the two small steps that lead into the indented room.

"Why does he get to have fun and I don't?" is my response, completely throwing her off guard for once.

"Please don't tell me that you're trying to find a fuck buddy, too?" her frown is judgemental, but I let it slide.

"You always encourage me to move on. Is that not the best way?" I play into her thought.

"Sure, but not here. Not with somebody from our school!" she tugs harder.

Dear Diary, it wasn't loveWhere stories live. Discover now