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He laid on his bed, shifting his gaze from
the clock to the ceiling above him as minutes passed. He felt tired, maybe because he just got back from high school a few hours ago but he just couldn't close his eyes shut, or even take a short nap like he always does. He felt restless, nervous, and excited. He glances to the clock on the wall again and sighs.

'Just 6 more hours.' He thinks to himself.

In the brink of his thoughts, his roommate, Cole, barges in with a judgemental look and a lollipop in his mouth. "Quit sulking and get your ass in the kitchen. Dinner's ready."

The younger male groan, streching his arms and sitting up straight. "Shut up ! I will be there after taking a shower."

"You didn't even take a Sho-" Cole furrowed his eyebrows, ready to give a lecture to his nasty roommate but shut immediately after hearing the washroom door close with a thud.

"That was mean~" Scoffing to himself, Cole left the room.

After taking a quick shower, He finally came out of his room. Dragging his feet, he sat on the dining table in the center of the kitchen.

"Just 5 hours to go Noah, relax dude." Cole said, putting the dishes on the table.

That's the thing, the latter just couldn't relax, with another 5 hours until his 18th birthday. Birthdays had always been one of his favourite occasions, but this year, it's different, and that's because he would get to know who his soulmate is, or maybe be given a hint about his soulmate.

The thing about soulmates are, when you've
reached the age of 18, you will get to see through your soulmate's eyes. Through your soulmate's eyes, you'll try to figure out who they are, it might be easy and direct, and it might also be hard and indirect.

Noah rolled his eyes and munches his food.
"I'm ridiculous, I don't even know why I'm so
worked up about this. Did you feel this way when it was yours?"

"I wasn't worked up much, maybe because
I didn't care?" Cole laughed. "Well when I turn 18, I get to know That Lexi is my soulmate but at time she was dating John so I was pretty confused but when I told her about the whole thing she believed me without even in doubting and broke up with John and by the time she turned 18 she was already in love with me and so was I." He added, shrugging his shoulders.

"I asked you how you felt, not about your whole
love story. Gross." Noah fake gagged

"Says The playboy Noah and his strands of exes."

"I've only had 6 exes. Lexi had twice as many"

"Shhh. She's mine now. Forever and always."

"Yeah sure." rolling his eyes for the hundredth time, Noah stood up dumping his plate in the sink.

"I will take a quick nap, wake me up before 11:30 please." walking towards his room he signaled Cole, on which the aforementioned male give a quick nod in response.


Time passed and it was already 11. To say that Noah took a nap, would be a lie. He slept barely for half an hour or so because of the nervousness and excitement.

Cole, On the other hand, baked a small cake, without the younger knowing. After assembling the candles neatly, he walked towards the youngers room to wake him up.

Noah was lying on his bed, eyes closed. He was looking like a small baby who was forced to sleep by his mother. Noah wasn't an average looking person. He was pretty. Very pretty, With chocolate brown, soft hairs with small bangs falling at his forehead, sometimes curtaining his light grey orbs. His tan skin was contrast with his pink plump lips, which were mostly seen in pout, and a sharp pointed nose. He had a masculine body, and why won't he? he was mostly seen at gym or the basketball ground. Yes! He was a basketball player and the best one, which made him more attractive in his ways.

Noah belonged to a rich family. His family owned a large business in Canada, while he lived in New York. Why so? well you see He is not only flawless but also Intelligent. In Canada, he did not only topped all his secondary classes but also managed to get a scholarship. At first, he refused to take the scholarship and planned to stay here because he didn't want to leave his friends and the most important, His luxurious house. As for Glacier Academy, they didn't want to lose the opportunity of having the golden boy. After millions of trys, Noah finally agreed but ask the director of the academy to let him pay his fees by himself on which the director agreed.

And now here he is, Named as a golden boy and also The Heart Robber.

Now back to the present, Cole smiled at the soft sight in front of him and walked towards the latter.

"Wake- Woah! you startled me dude." Cole gasped, dramatically holding his heart, when Noah opened his eyes and watched the older in a glaring manner.

"Is it 12?" Sitting up straight, He glanced at the clock, then sighing disappointedly.

"Well not yet but there is something waiting for you outside." Cole said walking towards the door.

"What? My soulmate?" Noah following behind him.

"Gosh No why would she come here already? you stupid!" Cole rolled his eyes, smacking the younger's head.

Raising his left eyebrows, the latter replied "How do you know that my soulmate is a 'she'"

"Umm because judging by your opinions, you ain't a gay." Cole replied shrugging, opening the door to living room.

"Who said I am not a gay?!" Jumping on the couch, the other questioned. "I do find guys attractive!"

"Noah Just by finding guys attractive it doesn't mean you are a Gay for fuck sake." Cole said annoyingly, bringing the cake.

Noah, thinking of a comeback faced the older again but stopped when saw the cake.

"O M G ! Did you-" pointing towards Cole "Cole stewards made a cake for me-" Now pointing  himself "huh?"

"Stop over reacting and cut it already or I'mma gonna blow the candles by myself." Cole replied, turning his lips into an O shape.

"Oh No! I will do it" Noah replied, blowing the candles and clapping his hands adorably on which Cole chuckled. Cutting the cake in a triangle shape piece he lean forward to Cole, taking the cake towards his mouth but ended up eating himself, making "nom nom" voices and a its-so-good face.

"Here" ignoring the younger's childish yet cute behavior, Cole handed him a medium sized box, wrapped with golden glitter sheets and a cute card attached at the corner, reading "Happy birthday Crackhead". Noah was awestruck at the older's present.

"Oh my godd Cols thats so sweet of you." Noah take the box and embrace the other in a brotherly hug, to which Cole returned happily.

After a little chit chat, and Noah opening the gift which contained a light blue baggy sweater, which was perfect for Noah, He remembered his unknown soulmate again.

"So when am I going to get the switch you know."

"Well it doesn't come exactly on your eighteenth birthday. It can also come after some days, weeks, months or maybe years." Cole replied, smirking.

"What?!?" The other male shouted, bulging his eyes out. "Why didn't you told me before? I was mad being so excited." now sulking.

Cole laughed at the younger state. "Just wanted to surprise you. But you-" without letting the older finish Noah stood up.

"Surprise my foot! I am going to sleep now. Bad night." stomping his feet like a child, he went in his room leaving a laughing Cole behind.

Hey guys! so this was the first chapter hope you like it and if don't im sorry i will try better :((

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