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The weekend has come to an end, and they're back to going back to school. Blake insists to drive Rose to school and She, being the unbothered and lazy queen, let's her older brother drag her out.

"Tell Noah I said hi" Blake says.

"You just met him yesterday?!" Rose says with a disgusted look on her face.

"Yeah, who cares. If My girlfriend suddenly dropped my ass, might as well go for Him."

"Fudge off, Blake. No one's touching him"

"Possessiveeeee." Blake teases. "You should be possessive of your boyfriend"

Rose rolls her eyes. "Unlike you, I don't put a leash on my boyfriend"


Rose chuckles and gets out from the car, making her way to the school hallway and to her locker. She sees Liam surrounded by girls, a normal thing which she have to experience every day. It does bother her a little, especially since no one knows they're dating. They just think they're best friends. The only ones who know are Blake and Lexi, and now Noah.

Liam looks over to see Her and he waves at her. Rose waves back at her boyfriend but just when she did, Liam focuses back on the girls. It felt like a stab of pain every time she had to witness something like that. Because, they're in a relationship, but Liam didn't want people to know yet.

Rose, on the other hand, wanted to tell the whole school if possible, that Liam was her's, not as a friend but as a boyfriend. But she's stopped from doing so. So, she must endure it.

They did have a good relationship. She knew Liam loved her as much as she does. But, it's painful for her to keep on hiding like this and have people look at them with the perspective of 'best friends' when deep down, they were
more than that.

During recess, Rose knew she needed some fresh air, she hasn't had the chance to talk to Liam yet, they only exchanged hellos. But Liam did leave her a message, asking to walk back home later. She climbs up the stairs to the rooftop, and to her surprise (not) Noah was there too.

"Oh, Rosie-" Noah greets the younger.

"I told you not to call me that" Rose says.

"Because your older brother calls you that?"

Rose chuckles and sits beside the black hair boy. "He told me to say you his hi"

"We just met yesterday though?" Noah questioned.

"That's what I told him."

Noah's phone vibrates and he glances at it but immediately switches it off.

"Lia?" Rose raised her eyebrows.

"Ah, no. My mom" The other replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"You won't pick up?"

"I will, later"

Silence broke between them, and once again, they just sitvthere staring into nothingness, just enjoying each other's comfort.
"How are things with Lia?" Rose asked. Deep down, she hopes she isn't nosy.

Noah shrugged his shoulder with an uninterested expression. "Great" He says bluntly. "Were actually going out tomorrow. I do owe her a date, anyways. What about you and Liam?"

"Hm?" Rose, slightly taken back, replied "We're doing fine actually." A smile breaks across her face and Noah smiled at her

'She really loves him'

Noah's phone vibrates again and he sighs.

"Better pick it up.:" Rose nudged the other playfully.

"Yeah, well, I'll see you later at the bakery" The other replied, jumping down.

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