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Rose, as said, spent her half birthday sleeping off.

It was 2 in the noon, and here she was. Laying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. She didn't know what to do nor did she have a particular hobby. As for cafe, Aiden being a sweet heart he was, told her to take a day off without knowing the latter's story.

To say that Rose wasn't disappointed would be a lie, she was disappointed, with Liam of course. Like how would you react if your boyfriend just ghost you last minute on your birthday, well not last minute but at least last day.


The brunette snap out of her thoughts after hearing the bell rang. Thinking that it would probably be Blake forgetting his phone again, she stood up and walked towards the door. As said before, a lazy queen she was, she didn't even bother to change her pajamas after waking up. 'No one is coming to see me anyways' That's what she said.

"God Blake is there any tim- Noah?" Eyes round as saucers, she took in the appearance of the older.

"W-What are you doing here? weren't you going to your- um cousin's house?" She asked, slightly embarrassed beacuse of her outfit.

"Yeah I did went there but unfortunately I wasn't enjoying their company so I came back after some hours, also that I was free I thought why not accompany you?" The older said, shrugging. Taking his shoes off, and setting some shopping bags on the counter, he walked towards the couch making himself comfortable.

'Why the hell is he being so comfortable?'

"Stop gawking at me like that. If you want me to leave You know I can?" Noah said, standing up.

"Nono! I mean I can't just let you go. You came here all the way and- what the heck" Rose, was cutted out harshly by the hard pillow that was smacked on her face.

"You talk so much you know? Anyways, did you eat something?" Noah asked, pursing his lips.

Still rubbing her nose which was slightly red, (wait not due to the pillow but due to blush of course) Rose answered. "No I didn't."

"Good then, me too. Let's go out yeah? I have a place in mind and I really wanted to go there, specially with you." Picking up one of the bags, he took out a sky blue shirt matched with dark blue jeans, and throw it towards the Rose.
"Wear this. You have 5 mins to get ready. Hurry up." crossing his arms, he glanced at his watch

"Excuse me? How am I-"

"You are not excused ok, Now go~" Noah said, pushing the younger in her room.

"At least give me 10 minutes, God!"

After a few more bickering, here they were. Standing in front of the newly-opened amusement park. As per Noah, he haven't been to a amusement park from ages amd same was the situation with the younger, making her agree in seconds.

"You are not scared of rides, right?" Noah asked, raising his eyebrows, mischievously.

"Of course not" Rose replied, hiding her nervousness. Truth to be told, She was. I mean who won't be? It's an everyday routine for us to hear some devastating news of people dying just because of some random thriller rides.
But somehow, She wasn't that scared, maybe beacuse she have Noah? yeah obviously but she didn't want to agree to it and of-

"Good, then let's go" She was, again, slapped back to reality from the voice of her partner.

"So what do you wanna ride first?" Noah asked, Taking the surroundings in.

"I don't know, anything would be fine."

"How about you ride...me?" Smirking, he asked.

"What the duck, Noah!" Rose hide her face in her shirt paws, she didn't that she was embarrassed or....

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