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Are you okay?
Do you want me to come over?
I'm free tonight

Its okay Rosie
you should spend more time with Blake.

You know you can tell me anything right?

Of course!

Tell me if something's bothering you

Sorry for worrying you

Oh not a problem!
Good night

Gudnight Rosie
I luv you



Noah chuckled at the youngers reply. Just when Noah was about to take a shower, he got an incoming call. Thinking it's Rose, he picks it up without looking at the caller's ID.

"Rosie~" He cooed

"Rosie?" a female voice answers.

Noah looks back at his phone screen, cursing quietly.

"Oh, Mom! To what do I owe this pleasure of receiving a call from you?"

"Were you expecting someone else? Who's Rosie?" His mom asks.

"A friend from school. We promised to discuss our project." Noah lied

"I see. Anyways" His mom's voice suddenly turned serious, causing him to flinch just be hearing. "I need to tell you something" She says.

Noah wasn't sure if he wanted to hear it or not considering his mom's tone.

"The business is in need of the partnership immediately, so we're pushing the engagement date a bit earlier, just a few days"



'Shit, there's more?

"We need you here in Canada." His mom then said.

"Oh. Then, I'll be home this weekend"

"No, Noah. You're changing schools. You're
transfering to America."

Noah chuckled but hearing upon his moms silence, his cheeky smile starts to droop. "Pardon?"

"You heard me."

"Mom! There's no way I'm changing schools. And in America! ls this because of dad?


"Cant you guys let me off the hook? l'm already stressed Out with this arranged marriage, and now you're askingme to move away? Change schools? What about my friends? No. What about my feelings?"

"You're about to take over this family's business. Your dad just opened a branch at America, we're all going. You're changing schools for a better education and so that you can attend meetings along with your dad, to help you gain experience."

"But, Lia is still here. Wouldn't you want me to build a relationship with her?" Noah asked, giving any excuse just to convince his mom.

"That's why the engagement is held early, just before we leave to America."

At this point, Noah feels disbelief towards his own mother.

"Mom, just a few months till I graduate. Cant you guys wait?" Noah said, desperately.

There was a long pause over the line. Noah then hears his mother sighing.

"You know your dad won't take 'no' as an answer. You have 5 days-"

Noah ended the call immediately. He tossed his phone on his bed and slumps to the ground, hands on his head, ruffling his hair harshly.

"Fuck!" the only word Noah was able to muster up to say.

Arranged marriage.

The 'change'.

And now, he has to transfer schools at America?! Noah gathered up his thoughts but even in the midst of it, he only fears the thought of losing Rose. He knows it'll happen but he doesn't know how. And he's afraid to even imagine it.

He only wanted to feel the younger's presence beside him. He wanted Rose to comfort him, to look into his eyes and tell him she's eternally his. But, the universe just doesn't allow it, instead punishes Noah with the 'change'. What would happen when Rose will turn 18? Would she have someone else as her soulmate? Noah
fears the thought of it to the core.

Noah gets up to take a shower. Standing under the hot shower calmed his mind, but helped him camouflage his tears. After he puts on his pyjamas, he walks over to his study table and rips out a piece of paper. He takes out his ballpen and starts writing:


The universe wants me ruin,

I'm not strong enough to go through all this pain,

It's too much even for me to bea.

These are my inner demons that I must fight,

I don't want you to worry

Even though I want you by my side right now,

And tell me that everything's going to be aright.

He then folds the piece of paper and keeps it in his drawer. What turned from his thoughts is a letter for his girlfriend. He leans against the chair, head looking up with his eyes closed.

Five days. That's not long. He has to tell Rose.

But, when? And will he?

Noah imagines the various scenarios that play
through his head. It's always the same. He imagines himself teling Rose everything, in different ways, some heart breaking, some cruel. He's imagining the younger's reaction too, he doesn't know how to expect because he has never seen Rose cry. Maybe, hell rage? Throw some stuff at him? Break up with him?

Noah is clueless.

And he's drowning in fear.

Ok so just to inform that from now on the other 2 to 3 chapters will be way more shorter as they will only consist of the letters of Noah for Rose :(

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